Happy retirement to Canon Holuka and Fr McInnes!

Canon Ryszard Holuka and Fr John McInnes retire from active ministry today (Friday 6 September).

Canon Holuka (below) was ordained at St Mary's Cathedral in Edinburgh in 1974 and celebrated his Golden Jubilee in March this year.

He has served in parishes across the Archdiocese, including Denny, Kirkcaldy, Lennoxtown, Blackburn, Stoneyburn and St Joseph's in Bonnybridge (2015 to present).

Fr John McInnes was ordained at St Mary's Cathedral in 1996 and has spent 28 years as a priest, serving in Falkirk, Mayfield, Gorebridge, Penicuik, Loanhead and Our Lady of Lourdes and St Bernadette, Larbert (2014-present).

He is pictured below at a recent celebration of Mass to mark his retirement.

Archbishop Cushley said: "I would like to thank Canon Holuka and Fr McInnes very warmly for their dedication and service to the Church and the Archdiocese over the years. I wish them a happy and fulfilling retirement. Please keep them both in your prayers."

Vocations Awareness Week

Vocations Awareness Week begins this Sunday and is a chance for the Catholic community to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

We are called to follow God and live out our vocation more deeply, whether in the priesthood, the consecrated life, marriage, or the sacred single life.

Please keep in your prayers Gerard Holden and Matthew McCafferty (below) both of the Archdiocese, who are training for the priesthood in Rome, along with all seminarians from Scotland's dioceses.

Pictured above, from left: Fr Nick Welsh; Gerard Holden, seminarian; Archbishop Leo Cushley; Matthew McCafferty, seminarian; Fr Josh Moir (2023).

The Archdiocese is hosting a monthly group for young women to meet, socialise, pray and reflect upon Vita Consecrata, St Pope John Paul's Apostolic Exhortation on the Consecrated life. Find out more from religiousvocations@staned.org.uk

We thanks all priests of the Archdiocese for their sacrifice and ministry.

If you want to explore the priesthood or religious life, visit the Vocations section of the Archdiocesan website here. Contact our vocations director Monsignor Patrick Burke at frpatrick.burke@staned.org.uk or on 01334 472856, or Sister Mirjam Hugens, director for Religious Vocations, on 0131 623 8902 | religiousvocations@staned.org.uk.

WATCH: Video series to prepare for Holy Year 2025

In preparation for the Jubilee Year, the Holy Father has asked us to study the documents of the Second Vatican Council.

Being Catholic has produced a new video series, suitable for parish groups or individual use, presented by Fr Tom Magill of Motherwell Diocese.

These are suitable for parish discussions or individual use.


Sacrosanctum Concilium

Dei Verbum

Lumen Gentium

Gaudium et Spes

Clergy appointments update

Here is a reminder of the clergy appointments that take effect officially on Friday 6 September 2024. The moves were first announced  in June 2024 on this website.

Archbishop Cushley thanks all those involved in these moves for their faithful service to God and to the people of the Archdiocese, and especially to Canon Ryszard Holuka (St Joseph's, Bonnybridge) and John McInnes (Our Lady of Lourdes & St Bernadette's, Larbert) who retire from active ministry.

Effective 6 September 2024:

The Right Reverend Monsignor Allan Canon CHAMBERS VG to become Administrator of St Francis Xavier’s, Falkirk;

The Reverend Peter SHANKLAND to become Assistant Priest at St Francis Xavier’s, Falkirk;

The Reverend Michael John GALBRAITH to become Parish Priest of The Immaculate Conception (St Mary’s), Bathgate;

The Right Reverend Monsignor Patrick Canon BURKE VG to become Parish Priest of St James’s, St Andrews, and Chaplain to St Andrews University Catholics;

The Very Reverend Jeremy MILNE VE to become Administrator of St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh;

The Right Reverend Monsignor Patrick Canon BURKE VG to step down as Vicar General;

The Very Reverend Jeremy MILNE VE is appointed Vicar General;

The Very Reverend Jamie McMORRIN to become Adminstrator of SS. John the Baptist & Kentigern’s, West Edinburgh, in addition to St Margaret’s, Davidsons Mains;

The Reverend Paul HENDERSON to become Assistant Priest at St Margaret’s, Davidsons Mains, and SS John the Baptist & Kentigern’s, Edinburgh;

The Reverend John McINNES to retire;

The Reverend Ajeesh GEORGE CST to become Administrator of St Bernadette’s, Larbert;

The Very Reverend Ryszard Canon HOLUKA to retire;

The Reverend Matthew NGYIE to become Administrator of St Joseph’s, Bonnybridge;

The Reverend Joshua KAURAS to become Assistant Priest at St Francis Xavier’s, Falkirk;

The Reverend Emmanuel CHORBE to become Assistant Priest at SS. Mary & David’s, Hawick;

The Reverend Jacob KABAMBA KABAMBA to become Administrator of St Margaret’s, South Queensferry, and;

The Reverend Alexander LONGS OSA to become Administrator of St Kessog’s, Blanefield.


Also effective 6 September 2024

The Reverend Andrew GARDEN to step down as Vocations Director;

The Right Reverend Monsignor Patrick Canon BURKE VG to become Vocations Director with Sr Mirjam HUGENS FSO;

The Reverend William McQUILLAN and the Reverend Robert TAYLOR to become Assistant Vocations Directors;

The Very Reverend Jeremy MILNE VE to step down as Vicar Episcopal for Marriage & Families;

The Reverend Benedict IWATT to become Vicar Episcopal for Marriage & Families;

Sr Miriam Ruth RYAN RSM to become Archdiocesan Director of Catechetics and Chair of the Catechetics Commission.


GALLERY: Day for Altar Servers

Archbishop Cushley thanked youngsters from across the Archdiocese at The Day for Altar Servers at The Gillis Centre in Edinburgh.

He told them: "I am very grateful for the work you do in your parish. If you are serving at Mass, you are serving the Lord, and it doesn't get better than that." -

The annual event involved training, games and prayer, along with a presentation of medals for children joining the Guild of St Cuthbert.
Thanks to Fr Robert Taylor (St Mary's Cathedral) and Fr Jamie McMorrin (St Margaret's, Edinburgh) for leading the day, along with fellow clergy, parents and parish sacristans and volunteers for joining us.
Also present were Fr Paul Lee (St Agatha's, Methil), Fr Francis Ututo (St Cuthbert's, Edinburgh), Canon Gerard Hand (Holy Cross & St Margaret's, Edinburgh), Fr Peter Shankland (St Mary's, Stirling), Deacon Tom McEvoy (Sacred Heart, Penicuik) and Gerard Holden, a seminarian of the Archdiocese.


Altar servers The Parish from St Barbara Whitburn/Armadale with Archbishop Cushley.
" If you are serving at Mass, you are serving the Lord, and it doesn't get better than that." - Archbishop Cushley.
Altar Servers from Our Lady & St Ninian's, Bannockburn.
Altar Servers from The Sacred Heart & St Margaret, Penicuik.
Altar Servers from St Joseph's, Broomhouse, Edinburgh.
Altar Servers from St Cuthbert's, Edinburgh.
Holy Cross & St Margaret Mary Churches, Edinburgh.
Altar Servers from St Agatha's, Methil, and St Giles, Kennoway, with parish priest Fr Paul Lee.
Altar Servers from St Margaret's, Dunfermline, and Lady of Lourdes, Dunfermline.



WATCH: Study Catholic Theology in Edinburgh

Find out about studying Catholic theology in Edinburgh this September with our Open Evening Webinar.

It's a chance to hear from course leaders of the MA in Applied Catholic Theology. We also chat to a recent graduate of the course, and give you a whistlestop tour of the Gillis Centre Campus.

The video is divided into chapters so you can quickly find the section you want, and includes a Q&A section with attendees. Watch below or on YouTube.


The MA in Applied Catholic Theology is a two year, part-time course hosted by St Mary's University, Twickenham, at its Scottish Campus in Edinburgh. SAAS funding now available.

Find out more at www.stmarys.ac.uk/edinburgh or email the course leader Dr Susan Longhurst, who will be happy to answer your questions susan.longhurst@stmarys.ac.uk

The Open Evening webinar was broadcast on Zoom on Wednesday 29 May 2024. 

WATCH: Sr Mirjam's Vocation Testimony

Watch the inspiring vocation testimony of Sister Mirjam Hugens FSO, our Director of Religious Vocations.

She recalls how her life took a turn after a pilgrimage to Rome, where a new world opened before her. From an early age in The Netherlands, her parents’ deep faith and prayer life planted the seeds of trust and devotion in her heart.

When her sister Karin chose to join a religious order, Sr. Mirjam felt a similar calling, one she initially resisted. This inner struggle marked the beginning of her graceful journey of discernment, leading her to embrace her vocation with a joyful ‘yes.’

Sr Mirjam is the secretary for Archbishop Leo Cushley and she and Sr Karin are based at St Columba's Church in Newington, Edinburgh, as members of The Spiritual Family The Work, a religious order. Find out more at www.thework-fso.org

If you are a young woman wanting to find out more about the Religious Life, Sr Mirjam is are hosting a monthly gathering of socialising, reading, discussion and prayer. The first one is on Wed 4 Sep, 7-9pm, at the Convent at 9 Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh, EH9 1SN. To take part please email religiousvocations@staned.org.uk

World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation

Sunday 1 September is World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, which Pope Francis established in 2015.

It launches the Season of Creation which runs until Friday 4 October and this year's theme is To Hope and Act with Creation.


A Season of Creation Conference is being hosted by the Bishops' Conference of Scotland Care of Creation Office on Saturday 7 September, 10am-3pm at St Margaret’s, Raploch, Stirling, FK9 4UA.

Guest speaker is Ben Wilson of SCIAF, and the day will explore how we can act for creation in our  parishes to follow the message of Pope Francis to care for our common home. Register at www.tinyurl.com/46wmt9ah

Online event

Fr Josh Kureethadam is the speak at 'To Hope and Act with Creation', an online event hosted by the Bishops' Conference of Scotland Care of Creation Office on Thursday 19th September, 7:00pm - 8:30pm. Register here. 

He will share a sense of awe and wonder before the grandeur and majesty of the universe, as well as a deep sense of concern for our common home.

The session will discern insights of Pope Francis' 2015 encyclical Laudato Si' and his 2023 apostolic exhortation Laudate Deum.

Fr Josh was the Coordinator of the Sector of Ecology at the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development from 2017-2023, where he continues to serve as a consultant.




Homeless Jesus sculpture planned for Cathedral

St Mary's Cathedral in Edinburgh has been granted planning permission by the council to install a ‘Homeless Jesus’ sculpture.

It is hoped that the sculpture depicting Jesus Christ sleeping rough on a park bench will focus attention on homelessness in Edinburgh and remind Christians of their duty of care to homeless people in the city, writes the Edinburgh Evening News.

The Cathedral was approached by Canadian sculptor Timothy Schmalz in March about the possibility of installing one of his Christian sculptures.

He has an anonymous patron who is supporting his Matthew 25 bronze sculptures in various places across the world.

The church hopes to have the bronze piece installed on a paved area near its grounds, after the city council approved planning permission last week.

A spokesman for the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh said: “We were pleased to hear from Timothy Schmalz and grateful that he wanted to place this iconic thought-provoking sculpture at St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral.

“The sculptures are being placed in key locations across the world and he believes that our cathedral is a fitting site.

“Pope Francis has been vocal in calling us all to remember the plight of the homeless in our prayers and charitable work.

"The Homeless Jesus will be a stark reminder and a prompt that we all have a duty to care for those without a home in our city."

“The cathedral can now begin preliminary work and we hope to have delivery and instalment in the vicinity of the cathedral by the end of the year.”

The council’s planning department decided that this sculpture is not detrimental to the cathedral which is a category-B listed building that has been in Edinburgh city centre for more than 200 years, or the New Town Conservation Area it sits in.

This consent is for planning permission only. Work can not begin until other necessary consents such listed building consent have been obtained.

Assisted Suicide: 'An attack on human dignity'

The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland has submitted evidence to the Scottish Parliament on a proposal to legalise assisted suicide in Scotland.

Responding to the call for views on the Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill, the bishops said that “assisted suicide attacks human dignity and results in human life being increasingly valued on the basis of its efficiency and utility”.

They added that implicit in legal assisted suicide is the idea that “an individual can lose their value and worth”.

The bishops express grave concerns about the serious consequences of legal assisted suicide for the most vulnerable in society.

They wrote: “When the elderly and disabled express concerns about being a burden, the appropriate response is not to suggest that they have a duty to die; rather, it is to commit to meeting their needs and providing the care and compassion to help them live.

Assisted suicide undermines suicide prevention, the provision of palliative care, trust in doctors and puts pressure on vulnerable people to end their lives prematurely.

"If Scotland establishes the provision of death on demand and this becomes normal practice, how will that not become a cultural expectation for the vulnerable, including the elderly, disabled, and lonely?”

Embracing the sick

The bishops also quoted Samaritanus bonus, a letter by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the care of persons in the critical and terminal phases of life, saying that proponents of assisted suicide peddled a “false understanding of compassion”, adding that a correct understanding of compassion “consists not in causing death, but in embracing the sick, in supporting them in their difficulties, in offering them affection, attention, and the means to alleviate their suffering.”

The submission touched on the experience of other countries and states where assisted suicide and/or euthanasia is legal, including Canada, the Netherlands, and Oregon, with the bishops issuing a warning that, “No matter how well intentioned safeguards are, it is impossible for any government to draft assisted suicide laws which include legal protection from future expansion of those laws.”

The bishops said that it was “significant” that the Royal College of General Practitioners and the Association of Palliative Medicine in the UK are both opposed to assisted suicide and euthanasia.


The Bill, introduced by Liam McArthur MSP, has attracted widespread criticism from experts for adopting an extremely broad definition of terminal illness which, in practice, is expected to include diabetes, dementia, and anorexia.

In conclusion, the bishops said that “assisted suicide undermines suicide prevention, the provision of palliative care, trust in doctors and puts pressure on vulnerable people to end their lives prematurely.”

The bishops added: “The poor and vulnerable are already struggling to live.

"Parliamentarians in Scotland ought to offer them care and support to live, not a concoction of drugs to die.

"Killing is not the solution to ill-health, poverty or any other social challenges.

"The state ought to support the provision of care, not deliberate killing, for those at the end of life.”

The submission was made to the Scottish Parliament's Health, Social Care and Sport Committee Committee. It will now consider all responses and take oral evidence from key experts and stakeholders in the coming months before publishing a report for MSPs.