A voice for the unborn in Edinburgh

Thanks to everyone who attended the annual Pro-Life Chain in Lothian Road, Edinburgh, on Saturday.

The event is organised by The Society for Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) and it saw around 200 people gather as a peaceful witness to the lives of the unborn who are killed by abortion.

SPUC posted on Facebook: "A huge thank you to all pro-lifers who stood in defence of life yesterday at SPUC’s Edinburgh pro-life chain.

"Over 200 people attended the pro-life chain, as a powerful act of witness to remember the lives lost and hurt by abortion in the UK.

"The courage of our pro-life community is truly inspiring and together we will make abortion unthinkable!"

The day began with recitation of The Rosary at Sacred Heart Church in nearby Lauriston Street, led by Fr Gerard Hatton (St Patrick's Church in The Cowgate) and joined by the Marian Franciscans, who travelled from Dundee for the event.

Paul Atkin, from the Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office said: "The Pro-Life Chain reminds us of the infinite dignity of every human person from the first moment of their conception.

"The Church is committed to protecting the weakest and most vulnerable people in society who are created in the image and likeness of God.

"In Scotland today, unborn children and their mothers are the most threatened members of society when even their right to life is taken away.

"It was great to see so many Catholics from all over Scotland supporting this peaceful witness to the goodness of life."

To find out more about the work of SPUC, visit https://www.spuc.org.uk/. Find out more about pro-life work in the Archdiocese by contacting prolife@staned.org.uk

WATCH: Archbishop's message for Catholic Education Week

It's Catholic Education Week 2021! Here is Archbishop Cushley's message to teachers, pupils and all involved in our Catholic schools.

Resources and ideas for school, parish and home can be found at https://sces.org.uk/

Book now for a marriage preparation course

If you're getting married in a Catholic Church in 2022 in our Archdiocese make sure you register now for one of our marriage preparation courses.

Friday/Saturday 25/26 February 2022 FULLY BOOKED

Friday/Saturday 25/26 March 2022

Friday/Saturday 29/30 April 2022

Friday/Saturday 27/28 May 2022

The course will take place over a Friday evening (7:00pm – 9:00pm) and Saturday (10:30am – 3:30pm). The Friday evening session takes place online and the Saturday session either online or at the Gillis Centre depending on Covid guidelines at the time.  This will be confirmed to you by email after you have registered and nearer the time.

To register for a course please use the application form and return by emailto irene.furlong@staned.org.uk (0131 623 89012) or by post to the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB.

Courses at St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh

These are led by Fr Jamie McMorrin. Places are limited and reserved to Cathedral couples initially. For availability, please contact cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk, 0131 556 1798.

Saturday 27 November 2021, 10:30am – 3:30pm FULLY BOOKED

Saturday 29 January 2022, 10:30am – 3:30pm

Saturday 18 June 2022, 10:30am – 3:30pm

The Course

A marriage preparation course is a requirement for those wishing to be married in the Catholic Church. This course seeks to lead couples to a greater understanding of God’s plan for marriage and his call to live this beautiful vocation as fully, freely and fruitfully as possible.

Couples are invited also to reflect on some important aspects of growing and sustaining their relationship including sacraments, prayer, good communication and managing conflict. It also presents the Marriage Rite, emphasising the importance and significance of the vows made in the church, before God, family and friends.

Sessions are led by Fr Jeremy Milne, Vicar Episcopal for Marriage & Families, and presented by clergy and married couples.

If you have any issues, please contact Fr Jeremy Milne on 0131 334 1693 or vemarriage@staned.org.uk


St Mary’s University launches Edinburgh Campus

St Mary's University, Twickenham, has formally launched its new Edinburgh campus in a boost for Catholic education in Scotland.

Guest, students and staff attended Mass and a reception at the Gillis Centre last night (Wednesday) where courses begin today.

The event began with the celebration of a Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit, a tradition at the beginning of the academic year in Catholic universities all over the world, and included music from St Mary's Cathedral choir.

In his homily, Archbishop Cushley said, "We ask the Lord to bless this new venture abundantly.

"If it is the Lord’s will, we will have begun something that will, in the fulness of time, bring greater strength to Catholic education in our land, and to the greater glory of God."

After Mass, students got the chance to see the newly refurbished classrooms and chat with course leaders and St Mary's staff.

Guests included Bishop Joseph Toal (Motherwell Diocese) and Bishop Richard Moth (Arundel & Brighton Diocese), St Mary’s Chair of Governors, as well as headteachers from local schools.

Bishop Moth said, "This is an important moment in the life of St Mary's and, we pray, in the life of Catholic Education in Scotland.

“It's a wonderful step forward to work with the Archdiocese in assisting the growth of theological study."

St Mary’s Vice-Chancellor Anthony McClaran said, "From the beginning there was an absolute understanding and a commitment between St Mary's and the Archdiocese that we would see this venture come to light.

"That's why it's wonderful to see it happening this evening as we launch St Mary's University here in Edinburgh."

To find out more visit stmarys.ac.uk/Edinburgh


WATCH: Apply NOW for a course at our Edinburgh campus!

The St Mary's University campus in Edinburgh opens VERY soon! Teacher Kevin Quinn explains how a course with St Mary's boosted his leadership journey in a Catholic school.
There's a range of courses available for both lay people and teachers. And you can be based anywhere to apply - it's not just for those in our Archdiocese (there's full online support ?).


WATCH: Holy Mass for the souls of the Faithful Departed at Mount Vernon Catholic Cemetery

In November, we celebrate the month of prayer for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.  Click below to watch Holy Mass celebrated by Archbishop Cushley at Mount Vernon Catholic Cemetery on 2nd November.

Here, too, is a simple prayer for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed that you can pray through this month:

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

WATCH: Morning Reflection with Fr Basil Clark

Here’s the first of our daily reflections from Fr Basil Clark of Our Lady of Loretto & St Michael's in Musselburgh. Please join together with him reciting the Act of Spiritual Communion and The Memorare.

Keep in your prayers the family of Aaron Higgs (11) from Musselburgh who died on Saturday.


Altar servers make history

Altar servers made history by becoming the first members of the Guild of St Cuthbert in the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh.

Nearly 150 attended the Gillis Centre, Edinburgh, in brilliant sunshine last Saturday. They enjoyed training, testimonials and games before attending Mass together in St Margaret’s Chapel.

Named after a local saint, the guild encourages and rewards faithful altar servers throughout the Archdiocese.

To qualify for membership, each altar server had to serve at ten Sunday Masses, attend a training session and write a short essay. Just over 100 of them were awarded a medal featuring the St Cuthbert’s Cross.

Archbishop Leo Cushley said: “It was a real blessing to see so many young people happy to serve the Lord and being an example to their peers and their parents.

“This was a great day, full of fun.”

Father Daniel Doherty, Vicar Episcopal for Catechism, said: “There were servers from the four corners of the Archdiocese. It’s so uplifting and encouraging to see such a great turnout.”

See more pics on our Facebook.

Young parishioners take pro-life message to streets of Scotland

Meet the young people from the Archdiocese hitting the streets of Scotland to speak the truth about abortion.

Joey, Anna and Liam are part of the Project Truth 2019 Roadshow, which takes the pro-life message to towns and cities across the country from 4th-9th August.

Joey from Fife currently works for the Scottish Government and is taking part for the first time.

He said: "I am looking forward to exploring the compassionate side of the pro-life community.

"I like to debate from a statistical perspective, but I know that Project Truth will teach me to become more empathetic to those who sit on the other side of the fence.

"I am Pro-Life because humanity will never find out the potential of what we have destroyed.

Anna is a student at Edinburgh University. She is also a first time Project-Truther!

She said: "Being pro-life is by no means a mainstream opinion in Scotland, but I think that Project Truth opens up the opportunity for dialogue and, in turn, people’s mindset.

"By joining the Project Truth Roadshow, I hope to expose to people the humanity of the unborn, and encourage the view that women can succeed, can thrive, can be happy, in a culture of life."

Liam, from Croftanee is doing his third roadshow.

He said: "As former US President Ronald Reagan once said: 'I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born'.

"This partly sums up our throwaway culture, who often live for themselves, their indulgences and their pleasures.

"This is a week where young pro-lifers can come together to truly live for someone else and put that selflessness into practise. To take a stand for those who can’t."

Louise Grant, Director of Youth Development for the Scottish Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC Scotland) is organising the roadshow.

She said: "This is about bringing the truth to the streets, a truth which is so often hidden because of the controversial nature of the abortion issue.

"Project Truth aims to break the silence, to bring the facts to the streets, to engage in positive discussions with passers by in the hope that hearts and minds will be changed because the reality is – we are not just talking about ‘an issue’ – we are talking about unique human lives, lives that are under threat in the place they should be safest.

"Until each child is protected by law in their mother’s womb, we will continue to bear witness to the pro-life message and fight for the most basic human rights of the unborn – the right to life.

The Project Truth 2019 Roadshow takes place from 4-9 August and visits Dunfermline, Edinburgh, Linlithgow and Stirling. Visit Project Truth on Facebook

Visit the GoFundMe page to make a donation to help fund the roadshow.