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Testimony and Reflection with Anton and Angela Colella

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April 3, 2022 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm


A leading Scottish businessman and his wife will discuss the "pivotal" role their Catholic faith has played in their marriage at a special event in Edinburgh.

Anton and Angela Colella lead a testimony and reflection on the spirituality of marriage at 4:00pm-5:30pm on Sunday 3 April, Gillis Centre, Edinburgh. Register here.

Anton is a well-known figure in the business world as the chief executive of Moore Global, one of the world's leading accountancy firms.

Part of a series of events leading up to the celebration of the 10th World Meeting of Families which takes place in Rome 22-26 June 2022. Read the preview here.

Angela, who began her career as a dietician, said: "Our faith has been pivotal for us. We met through our participation in Catholic lay movements so it has been a central component of our life together, as well as in our family life."

Anton added: "Marriage, and even an imperfect and not always easy one like ours, can have the power to profoundly effect one’s life for good. We hope to highlight the powerful impact that can have not just on children and grandchildren but people beyond that."

These free events are for married and engaged couples to come before the Lord together in reflection on the beautiful Catholic vision of marriage and family life, thanksgiving for the gift of this calling and prayer for the blessing of their love. The reflections will draw on themes developed in Pope Francis' Encyclical Amoris Laetitia ('The Joy of Love'). Events are as follows:

  • Sunday 6 March 2022, Gillis Centre, 4.00-5.00pm - Holy Hour with Archbishop Leo Cushley
  • Sunday 3 April 2022, Gillis Centre, 4.00-5.30pm - Testimony and Holy Hour with Anton and Angela Colella
  • Sunday 8 May 2022, Gillis Centre, 3.00-5.30pm - Afternoon Retreat with Brian and Maureen Devine
  • Wednesday 18 May 2022, St Mary's Cathedral, 7.00pm - Mass for Married and Engaged Couples

All events organised by the Archdiocesan Marriage & Families Commission. Register at bit.ly/ArchEventbrite


Gillis Centre
100 Strathearn Road
Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh EH9 1BB United Kingdom
+ Google Map
Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh
Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, Charity No. SC008540