Marian Prayer Event - Synod 2023

With the Blessed Virgin Mary towards the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops.

At the request of the Holy Father, the Secretariat responsible for the Universal Synod has invited the Church around the world to hold a moment of Marian Prayer on 31 May (the Feast of the Visitation and the last day of the Marian Month of May).

It is to place the work of the Synod, especially the work of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, which will take place in Rome this October, under the protection of Mary, Mother of the Church.

Bishop Brian McGee will lead a service of prayer at Carfin Grotto at 7:00pm.

The faithful throughout Scotland are also asked to join their prayers to those of the universal Church on that day. The attached resource may be used at the celebration of Mass on 31 May or adapted for other use.

7:00pm. Carfin Grotto. Synod event organised by the Bishops' Conference of Scotland.

Eucharistic Adoration with Archbishop Cushley

Archbishop Cushley invites Catholics to join him for Eucharistic Adoration at St Margaret’s Chapel at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh.

The event is to pray for “insight, courage and joy in our mission,” and takes place 6-7pm on the following Sundays: 18 December, 10 January, 12 February, 12 March.

In the Archdiocesan Synod Report, published earlier this year, he said: "Arising from the synodal process in this Archdiocese, there is, I believe, a real need to deepen the prayer life, the spirituality, and discernment of every individual in this Archdiocese.

"I feel we may have made a start on this process this year by reinvigorating the Forty Hours’ devotion in the Archdiocese, but much remains to be done."

Holy Hour

He added: "To this end, I will institute a monthly Holy Hour at the Gillis Centre to which I invite all the faithful to come and pray with me before Our Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament.

"As it says in the very motto of the City of Edinburgh, Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain (Ps 127:1). Together let us ask the Lord to bless our endeavours and raise up committed disciples in this Archdiocese".

The Working Document of the Continental Stage of the Synod 2021-23 was recently published and can be read here.

Holy Hour with Archbishop Cushley. 6-7pm at St Margaret's Chapel, 18 December, 10 January, 12 February, 12 March. 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. No registration required, just turn up. Free parking onsite.

Eucharistic Adoration with Archbishop Cushley

Archbishop Cushley invites Catholics to join him for Eucharistic Adoration at St Margaret’s Chapel at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh.

The event is to pray for “insight, courage and joy in our mission,” and takes place 6-7pm on the following Sundays: 18 December, 10 January, 12 February, 12 March.

In the Archdiocesan Synod Report, published earlier this year, he said: "Arising from the synodal process in this Archdiocese, there is, I believe, a real need to deepen the prayer life, the spirituality, and discernment of every individual in this Archdiocese.

"I feel we may have made a start on this process this year by reinvigorating the Forty Hours’ devotion in the Archdiocese, but much remains to be done."

Holy Hour

He added: "To this end, I will institute a monthly Holy Hour at the Gillis Centre to which I invite all the faithful to come and pray with me before Our Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament.

"As it says in the very motto of the City of Edinburgh, Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain (Ps 127:1). Together let us ask the Lord to bless our endeavours and raise up committed disciples in this Archdiocese".

The Working Document of the Continental Stage of the Synod 2021-23 was recently published and can be read here.

Holy Hour with Archbishop Cushley. 6-7pm at St Margaret's Chapel, 18 December, 10 January, 12 February, 12 March. 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. No registration required, just turn up. Free parking onsite.

Eucharistic Adoration with Archbishop Cushley

Archbishop Cushley invites Catholics to join him for Eucharistic Adoration at St Margaret’s Chapel at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh.

The event is to pray for “insight, courage and joy in our mission,” and takes place 6-7pm on the following Sundays: 18 December, 10 January, 12 February, 12 March.

In the Archdiocesan Synod Report, published earlier this year, he said: "Arising from the synodal process in this Archdiocese, there is, I believe, a real need to deepen the prayer life, the spirituality, and discernment of every individual in this Archdiocese.

"I feel we may have made a start on this process this year by reinvigorating the Forty Hours’ devotion in the Archdiocese, but much remains to be done."

Holy Hour

He added: "To this end, I will institute a monthly Holy Hour at the Gillis Centre to which I invite all the faithful to come and pray with me before Our Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament.

"As it says in the very motto of the City of Edinburgh, Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain (Ps 127:1). Together let us ask the Lord to bless our endeavours and raise up committed disciples in this Archdiocese".

The Working Document of the Continental Stage of the Synod 2021-23 was recently published and can be read here.

Holy Hour with Archbishop Cushley. 6-7pm at St Margaret's Chapel, 18 December, 10 January, 12 February, 12 March. 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. No registration required, just turn up. Free parking onsite.

Eucharistic Adoration with Archbishop Cushley

Archbishop Cushley invites Catholics to join him for Eucharistic Adoration at St Margaret’s Chapel at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh.

The event is to pray for “insight, courage and joy in our mission,” and takes place 6-7pm on the following Sundays: 18 December, 10 January, 12 February, 12 March.

In the Archdiocesan Synod Report, published earlier this year, he said: "Arising from the synodal process in this Archdiocese, there is, I believe, a real need to deepen the prayer life, the spirituality, and discernment of every individual in this Archdiocese.

"I feel we may have made a start on this process this year by reinvigorating the Forty Hours’ devotion in the Archdiocese, but much remains to be done."

Holy Hour

He added: "To this end, I will institute a monthly Holy Hour at the Gillis Centre to which I invite all the faithful to come and pray with me before Our Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament.

"As it says in the very motto of the City of Edinburgh, Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain (Ps 127:1). Together let us ask the Lord to bless our endeavours and raise up committed disciples in this Archdiocese".

The Working Document of the Continental Stage of the Synod 2021-23 was recently published and can be read here.

Holy Hour with Archbishop Cushley. 6-7pm at St Margaret's Chapel, 18 December, 10 January, 12 February, 12 March. 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. No registration required, just turn up. Free parking onsite.

Synod Meeting - Fife Deanery

St Margaret's, East Port, Dunfermline, Tuesday 8th March (7:00pm). All welcome. No registration required, just turn up!


Synod Holy Hour - Fife Deanery

A time of prayerful preparation at St Margaret's, Dunfermline, for the Synod Meeting at St Margaret's, Dunfermline, on Tuesday 8th March (7:00pm). All welcome. No registration required, just turn up!


Synod Meeting - Borders, Mid & East Lothian Deanery

St David's, 41 Eskbank Road, Dalkeith, Wednesday 23rd February (7:00pm). All welcome. No registration required, just turn up!


Synod Holy Hour- Borders, Mid & East Lothian Deanery

A time of prayerful preparation at St David's Dalkeith, for the Synod Meeting at St David's, Dalkeith on Wednesday 23rd February (7:00pm). All welcome. No registration required, just turn up!


Synod Meeting - West Lothian Deanery

St Mary's, Livery Street, Bathgate, Wednesday 8th February (7:00pm). All welcome. No registration required, just turn up!