Run Alpha - training day

The Archdiocese hosts a ‘Run Alpha’ training day for parishes interested in trying Alpha.

Alpha is an evangelisation opportunity in which anyone can come to learn about Jesus and the basics of Christianity, nd can be utilised in a Catholic context

The hospitality and welcome offered by the facilitators is a key component to making your Alpha run well. Join us to learn more about Alpha and learn how to run the most effective Alpha you can.

Join us on Saturday 10 June, from 9:30am to 3:30pm at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. Please bring a packed lunch. Register on Eventbrite:

Schedule for the day:

9:30am - Arrivals and Welcome (coffee available)

10:00am – Intro to Alpha in a Catholic Context & Sample Alpha session ‘Why Did Jesus Die?’

11:15am– Q&A (coffee break)

11:45am – Sample Alpha Day Pt 1 ‘Who is the Holy Spirit?’

12.30pm - Lunch (People bring their own)

1:30pm – Sample Alpha Day Pt 2 ‘How Can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?’

2:00pm – Model prayer ministry

2:30pm – Q&A, coffee and cake

Parishes invited to get online for evangelisation

Parishes can take advantage of online training next month to help the missionary challenge of Catholic evangelisation.

The team at 'Alpha - Catholic Context UK' has developed a package to help set up an Alpha Online course this Autumn.

Mike Roche, Alpha UK Catholic Context Development Manager, said: "We have put this training together to help parishes run Alpha Online so that they can be fully equipped to continue the Church's mission of evangelisation even in the midst of the current pandemic.

"We know that many parishes have wanted to do more with evangelisation during the pandemic but haven't necessarily always had the tools available. So, these sessions are designed especially for them."

Mike and Jo de Paula from the Alpha team will host three one-hour sessions next month.

A further part of the training will be to attend one of the 'Come and See' Tuesdays and the 'Come and See' Alpha Day where the team from Alpha UK will model what Alpha sessions look like online.

Please speak to your parish priest if this is something you are interested in. Visit the Alpha Catholic Context webpage for more details.