Archdiocesan Medal for 'dedicated servant of God'
Congratulations to Claire Lynch who recently received the Archdiocesan Medal from Archbishop Cushley at Ss John Cantius & Nicholas in Broxburn
Parish priest Fr John Deighan said: "Claire has worked very productively over the years in so many parts of the parish, including being the chief RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) catechist.

"She has recently stepped back from this role and we wanted to recognise the work she did."
She quietly but thoughtfully looks out for others and seeks no gratitude for what she does
Canon Jeremy Bath, his predecessor at the parish, said: "Claire is a loyal and dedicated servant of God. For many years she ran the parish RCIA programme and the baptism programme for infants. She did this with great energy and commitment.
"She has been a parish reader for many years and has taken Holy Communion to the sick and kept a pastoral eye on the residents at Hanover Court sheltered housing.
"She quietly but thoughtfully looks out for others and seeks no gratitude for what she does - even opening the Church and setting up for a baptism on a Sunday afternoon. Claire is a worthy recipient of an Archdiocesan Medal."