Event: Advent concert by candlelight

Enjoy beautiful festive choral music this advent with a candlelit concert from the choir of St Mary’s Cathedral!

It will perform it's 'Light fo Light' show to audiences across the Archdiocese at the following venues:

FALKIRK St Francis Xavier's Church, Wednesday 7 December, 8pm.
KILSYTH St Patrick's Church, Saturday 10 December, 8pm.
DUNFERMLINE St Margaret's RC Church, Friday 16 December, 8pm.

Tickets are £5 (or £10 family) and available via Eventbrite or on the door on the night. Visit https://bit.ly/3T7wRRY

Michael Ferguson, director of music at St Mary’s Cathedral, said the hour-long performance will feature "some of the most beautiful festive choral music ever written".

He added "We’ll take everyone on a musical journey that is both reflective and meditative, joyful and inspiring. It’ll be a perfect way to celebrate the season of Advent and to prepare for Christmas.”

The choir will sing some much loved carols, as well as pieces by composers such as John Tavener, Morten Lauridsen, Philip Stopford, and John Rutter.

Sing along

Michael, a lecturer in music at St Andrews University, added: “It has been a pleasure to work on the preparations with Fr Daniel Doherty at St Francis Xavier’s, Fr Scott Deeley at St Patrick’s, and Fr Cyriac Palakudyil at St Margaret’s.

"All three priests have invited us so warmly into their parishes to spend an evening making music with their communities, and we’re really looking forward to meeting everyone.”

"There is an opportunity for everyone to get involved and to sing along!”

Founded in 2018, the Schola Cantorum brings together eight excellent singers to perform sacred music to the very highest of standards in the liturgy.

Light from Light: St Francis Xavier’s Church in Falkirk on Wednesday 7 December, St Patrick’s Church in Kilsyth on 10 December, and St Margaret’s Memorial Church in Dunfermline on Friday 16 December. All concerts begin at 8pm. Tickets are £5 (or £10 family) and available via Eventbrite or on the door on the night. Visit https://bit.ly/3T7wRRY

The Schola Cantorum’s CD, With Angels and Archangels, is available now: https://www.stmaryscathedral.co.uk/store/withangels


VIDEO: Carol concert keeps Christ in Christmas

The sound of carols floated across The Mound in Edinburgh at the annual Nativity Carol Concert on Sunday.

The event marked the first day of Advent and featured the Salvation Army brass band, Blackhall St Columba's Choir, Wester Hailes Education Centre Choir and St Andrew's and St George's West Choir.

Bishop John Armes (Scottish Episcopal Church) gave the Christmas message while and Rev Angus Mathieson (Church of Scotland) brought prayers for the City.

Sir Tom Farmer, who sponsors the crib, said: “Aren’t we lucky to live in the greatest city in the world? A number of cities throughout the world no longer celebrate that birth. I congratulate Edinburgh Council for have made sure there is a nativity scene in the city for the last 17 years.”

Archbishop Leo Cushley told those who gathered: “This is a lovely new venue for the crib, right next to the city’s Christmas tree as well. I hope it will contribute to helping people remember why we celebrate with this special festival each year at the beginning of Advent.”

Blessing the crib, he prayed: “God our loving Father we ask you to be close to us as we recall the birth of your son at Christmas. We ask you to bless this image of him and his family so that everyone who sees it will be reminded of he true meaning of Christmas and how you sent your son to save us.”



Catholics to 'kick-start' Advent with carols at Nativity scene

Archbishop Leo Cushley is encouraging Catholics to 'kick-start' their Advent at the annual Nativity Carol Concert in Edinburgh.

The ecumenical event will see carols sung by Blackhall St Columba’s Choir, St Andrew’s and St Georges West Choir, Wester Hailes Education Centre Choir, and the Salvation Army Brass Band. The Nativity Scene itself is donated by Catholic businessman and entrepreneur Sir Tom Farmer and his wife.

The free event takes place on Sunday 1 December at 3pm and will be at a new location on The Mound in the city centre.

Archbishop Leo Cushley said: “It’s a great way to kick-start the Advent season. Choirs singing carols, a beautifully lit nativity scene and The Salvation Army bringing the brass! It’s also a positive witness of our Catholic faith -  a chance to show the joy that comes from trusting in God by singing His praise.

"In these days when religion is often pushed to the margins, we’ll be together in a busy city centre location, with other Christians, to announce the Good News of the coming of the Saviour. A special thanks to Sir Tom and Lady Farmer for continuing to donate the nativity scene each year.

"I’m looking forward to blessing the crib, and if it’s a cold day, some enthusiastic carol singing will help keep us all warm!”