Register now for the Diploma in Catechetics 2025!

We invite you to explore the riches and depth of the Catholic Faith by registering for the Diploma in Catechetics 2025.

To celebrate the Holy Year of 2025 we are offering this year-long course for just £125 (usually £200)! Register now

The Diploma is a great way to deepen, renew, or even initiate your understanding of the Catholic Faith.

  • Sessions are each Thursday on Zoom at 7:30pm (1hr max).
  • Includes guided reading and regular 1-to-1 support.
  • Sessions are delivered by Sr Miram Ruth RSM and a range of expert speakers.


This course changed my heart and brought it closer to God. Gordon Hamilton, Edinburgh


The course begins in January 2025 and you can register now on our Eventbrite page.

Rich exploration

Course leader Sr Miriam Ruth Ryan RSM said: "Register today to embark on an ordered and rich exploration of the Catholic faith, centered in the Person Jesus Christ.

"It is a great way to  deepen, renew, or even initiate your understanding of and participation in the Catholic faith. To help you do that we have weekly lectures, guided reading, and regular 1-to-1 support.

"As 2025 is a Holy Year for the global church, with an emphasis on renewal and hope, we wanted to offer the course at a reduced cost and with additional scholarships and bursaries.

"So we hope that will encourage people to do something special for the Holy Year and initiate something new in 2025."


It was a wonderful, eye-opening and exciting experience to do the Diploma in Catechetics. Mary Murphy, Musselburgh


Need to know

    • Course begins Thursday 23 January and ends Thursday 11 December, with July-August summer break (36 sessions total).
    • Sessions are Thursdays on Zoom at 7:30pm (1hr max) and recorded for catch-up (private YouTubelink sent out each week).
    • Sessions delivered by Sr Miram Ruth RSM and a range of expert speakers.
    • Sessions organised into six modules: Vocation of the laity, Old Testament, New Testament, Sacraments, Systematic Theology and Moral Theology.
    • One-to-one sessions with Sr Miriam Ruth or another leader after each module.
    • In recognition of the Holy Year 2025 the course is only £125 (normally £200).
    • Register on Eventbrite here.


Do I have to tune in live each Thursday?
No. A recording of the most recent session is sent out each Friday. Students are welcome to watch on catch-up if they cannot tune in on Thursdays.

Do I need to buy course material?
No. We do recommend a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, but it is also available free online.

Do I have to sit an exam?
There are no exams. Each module concludes with a one-to-one conversation on Zoom with one of the course leaders. In the meeting, you’ll talk about what you’ve learnt and ask any questions you still have.


A joyful, creative re-affirmation of faith which I found inspiring and deeply encouraging. Christopher Layden, Edinburgh


Is the course difficult?
Like any course, some elements may be challenging. That's why we have gathered a range of speakers who are experienced in simplifying difficult concepts in an engaging way. Each session ends with Q&A, so you can ask for clarifications at that time too.

Can I take part if I'm not in the Archdiocese?
Yes, everyone is welcome regardless of where they are based.

Can I take part if I am not Catholic?
Absolutely, if you are earnestly seeking to understand the Catholic faith better, you are very welcome!

What's the big deal about the Holy Year?
Every 25 years, the Church celebrates a Holy Year or Jubilee: a time of forgiveness, renewal, and revival. The tradition stems from ancient Israel - before Jesus' time - when every 50 years all debts were forgiven and prisoners set free. As such, Holy Years are particularly blessed times for reviving your relationship with God. To make it possible for everyone to take advantage of this opportunity, we have sought to lower the price, offer scholarships, and get the word out about the Holy Year!

Why did you open registration on 28 October?
That date is the Feast of Ss Simon and Jude. St Jude is the patron of lost causes, making him, in fact, a patron of immense hope. The 2025 Holy Year has a theme of hope. One of the aims of the Diploma is to grant each student an opportunity to deepen their hope in the Lord and to become a light of hope in our society. Always be "prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect" (1 Peter 3:15).

Where do I register?
You can register on Eventbrite. Click here.

I have more questions!
Please get in touch for a chat. Email

Diploma in Catechetics: Register now

The Diploma in Catechetics is the perfect opportunity to learn more about the Catholic faith in 2024.

Get ready to explore the richness and depth of the Catholic spiritual tradition with course leader Sr Miriam Ruth Ryan RSM.

What students say

Here is feedback from some of our current 2023 students:

Incredibly informative. I have developed a much greater understanding of sacred scripture and liturgy, which has enhanced my faith and prayer life. Thank you! - Jimmy Adamson, Coaltown of Wemyss

This course has been a joyous learning experience about my Catholic Faith. - Hazel Kay, Kingussie

The Diploma has deepened my knowledge and has made His Holy presence alive and real. I wish this course was mandatory for all Catholics. - Gretta Bourke, Ireland

Read further testimonies from former students here.

Course leader

Sr Miriam Ruth Ryan is a Religious Sister of Mercy, of Alma, Michigan. She is based at St Margaret's Convent in Ravelston, Edinburgh. She is the Catechetics Advisor for the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh. She is joined by a selection of clergy and lay people who will deliver the course each week


How much doe the course cost? The cost is £200. However, register now for a 20% discount (pay £160). If cost is preventing you from registering, don't worry! Contact Sr Miriam Ruth for a confidential chat - we want everyone to have access to the course. Bursaries available. 

Do I have to sit an exam? No. Each module concludes with a one-to-one session with one of the course leaders. In the meeting, you’ll have a chance to talk about what you’ve learnt and ask any questions that weren’t answered in the lecture.

Do I need to buy course material? No. We do recommend you have a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which is available free online.

Do I need to be Catholic to take part? No, all are welcome to explore the Catholic faith in this course.

Is the course difficult? Like any course, some elements will be challenging. That's why we have gathered a range of speakers who are experienced in simplifying difficult concepts in an engaging way. Plus, each session has a Q&A section where you can ask the speaker to clarify any concepts.

Can I take part if I'm not in the Archdiocese? Everyone is welcome to take part regardless of where you are based.

What if I miss a session? No problem, each session is recorded and available online the following day allowing you to catch up.

How do I log in to sessions? The course leader Sr Miriam Ruth will send you a link by email each week that you simply click to enter the session.

I've never used Zoom! Don't worry, we can help set you up. It's a simple process.

How do I register? Register on Eventbrite here.

I have more questions! Please get in touch for a chat. Email 


WATCH: Diploma in Catechetics - all you need to know

We've had brilliant feedback about our Diploma in Catechetics from the many people who have taken the course and we want YOU to take part.

Make 2023 the year that you explore the richness and depth of the Catholic faith in the hands of Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM and a host of experts speakers from across the Archdiocese.

Watch the below webinar where we tell you all about it (or watch on YouTube).

You can register for the Diploma in Catechetics 2023 at More details about the course in this document.

Register now for the Diploma in Catechetics 2023!

Register now for our Diploma in Catechetics which begins in January!

It's a great way to explore the richness and depth of the Catholic spiritual tradition with course leader Sr Anna Marie.

She and a range of guest speakers bring you weekly lectures, with guided reading, conversations, retreats, and supplementary courses available.

Need to know


Do I have to sit an exam? No. Each module concludes with a one-to-one session with one of the course leaders. In the meeting, you’ll have a chance to talk about what you’ve learnt and ask any questions that weren’t answered in the lecture.

Do I need to buy course material? No. We do recommend you have a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which is available free online.

Do I need to be Catholic to take part? No, all are welcome to explore the Catholic faith in this course.

Is the course difficult? Like any course, some elements will be challenging. That's why we have gathered a range of speakers who are experienced in simplifying difficult concepts in an engaging way with. Plus, each session has a Q&A session where you can ask the speaker to to clarify anything you might still have questions about.

Can I take part if I'm not in the Archdiocese? Everyone is welcome to take part regardless of where you are based.

What if I miss a session? No problem, each session is recorded and available online the following day allowing you to catch up.

How do I log in to sessions? Sr Anna Marie will send you a link by email each week that you simply click to enter the session.

I've never used Zoom! Don't worry, we can help set you up. It's a simple process.

How do I register? Register on Eventbrite here.

I have more questions! Please get in touch for a chat. Email


Here's what previous students have said about the course:

“A life changer, I learnt so much and it really deepened my faith. I can’t recommend it enough.” - Margo Saliba, Edinburgh

“The diploma in catechetics is invaluable, there is no one who I wouldn't recommend this course to!” - Sarah Schuler, Edinburgh

“I recommend this course to anyone who will listen; it has given me a thirst for knowledge and, hopefully, has made me a better person.” - Peter McCaffery, Cowdenbeath

“Our faith explored. Go deeper with this highly enjoyable course.” - Janice Mary Evans, Falkirk.

“The Diploma in Catechetics really stirred up my faith and has given me a thirst to delve even deeper into the riches of our beautiful catechism.” - Brenda Drumm, Ireland

“Inspirational. You won’t want to miss a session. Please give it a go - it’s a course for everyone.” - Liz Brown, Edinburgh

“As a ‘cradle Catholic,’ this diploma helped to enable me to develop my Faith and deepen my understanding of scripture.” - Gwen Gemmell, Dunfermline

“So interesting that I wish there was a 2nd year of study. I can’t thank the presenters enough for their sessions. I urge all interested Catholics to give this a go.” - Ian Neilson, Glasgow

“Really enjoyed this and would recommend it to anyone. The classes are made very welcoming and inspiring, (even on zoom) by the wonderful speakers. The family of God has a whole new meaning now. Thank you to all involved.” - Anne Collins, Kilsyth

"The speakers' commitment, knowledge and delivery of the Catholic faith has been illuminating and transformative throughout a period that has challenged many of us. Sincere thanks." - Anne Marie Docherty, Linlithgow.

Register for the Diploma in Catechetics 2022 here.