Lourdes - Annual Remembrance Mass

A Requiem Mass for deceased pilgrims, family members and benefactors of the annual Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage takes place at 3:30pm on Sunday 10 November 2024 at St Francis Xavier Church, Hope Street, Falkirk, FK1 5AT.

If you know of anyone who has died since November 2023 and would like their name added to the remembrance book, please contact us at enquiries@edinburgh-lourdes.com

Please note that spaces in the Church Car Park are limited but there is parking available in Morrisons (free up to 3 hours) and train station parking is free on Sundays.

GALLERY: Pilgrims' torchlight procession

Pilgrims on the Archdiocesan trip to Lourdes experienced the wonderful torchlight Marian procession last night (Sunday 8 July).

Youth volunteers had the privilege of carrying the statue of the Blessed Virgin Lady en route to the The Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary where a prayer service was held as the sun set.

Earlier in the day pilgrims attended the International Mass in the 25,000-capacity Basilica of Saint Pius X, and then a Reconciliation service in The Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary. Watch a video of the day here (35 second watch).

Keep up-to-date with the Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes on Facebook by following Helpers of Our Lady of Lourdes, Edinburgh.

All photos courtesy of Helpers of Our Lady of Lourdes, Edinburgh, except final photo (Photo Durand).



Lourdes pilgrimage 2024: Mass of Welcome

The Mass of Welcome for those attending this summer's Lourdes Pilgrimage takes place at St Cuthbert's Church, Slateford Road, Edinburgh,EH14 1PT on Sunday 16 June 2024 at 3pm. Refreshments in the church hall afterwards.

While the Mass is aimed at those going on the Pilgrimage all are welcome!

Lourdes Pilgrimage 2024

Our Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place Friday 5 July to Friday 12 July 2024.

Visit the dedicated website for full details, testimonies and more!

"We would love you to join our team of Lady Helpers who support our Assisted Pilgrims in all aspects of their pilgrimage in the Accueil Marie Saint Frai Lourdes. You do need any specific qualifications, just a willingness to share your time, commitment and faith journey. You will work closely with the medical team, Youth for Lourdes and the Bancardiers for an exhilarating, uplifiting experience." - Bernadette Barry, Chief Lady Helper

"Youth for Lourdes is a group of young people from all across the archdiocese. Join us and be part of the team of helpers who support our Assisted Pilgrims. You'll have the time of your life!" - Scott Mackenzie, Youth for Lourdes

"We invite nurses to join our helper team in Lourdes this July. It's an amazing opportunity to use your skills in a different environment supporting our assisted pilgrims. It's so rewarding and a chance to make lifelong friendships and memories." - Claire Banks, Chief Nurse

Lourdes Mass

The February Mass in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes takes place at 3pm on Sunday 4 February at St John the Baptist Church, 37 St Ninian’s Road, Corstorphine, Edinburgh EH12 8AL. The Mass is organised by the Edinburgh Lourdes Pilgrimage team. Refreshments in hall afterwards. All welcome.

Pilgrimage 2024

The Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place from Friday 5 - Friday 12 July, with Archbishop Cushley and Priests of the Archdiocese. More details at www.edinburgh-lourdes.com/lourdes24 

Lourdes 2023 - Reunion Mass

Following a  wonderful pilgrimage to Lourdes last month, please join us for the Lourdes Reunion Mass at 3:00pm on Sunday 27 August in St Cuthbert’s, 104 Slateford Road, EH14 1PT.

This will be a great opportunity to pray together in thanksgiving for the pilgrimage and to catch up with everyone.

GALLERY: Lourdes Pilgrimage 2023

Here are some images from the Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes

A statement from the Pilgrimage Committee said: "Our Pilgrimage to Lourdes was truly wonderful, filled with many uplifting spiritual experiences, inspiring and reflective music, prayerful liturgies, and a chance to reunite with old friends and make new ones!"

From left: Canon James Tracey, Mgr Allan Chambers, Fr Martin Eckersley; Fr Jeremy Milne, Canon Jeremy Bath.





Mass of welcome for the Lourdes Pilgrimage

A Mass for those attending the Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes this summer. However, all are welcome to attend

WATCH: Join us in Lourdes this summer

Everyone is warmly invited to visit Lourdes on the Archdiocesan pilgrimage from 7-14 July 2023.

Visit www.edinburgh-lourdes.com for full details. Assisted pilgrims are particularly welcome - you will be cared for 24/7 in the dedicated Accuiel Saint Frai by a dedicated team of doctors, nurses and support workers.

All medical conditions can be accommodated and insurance is included. Financial assistance may be available. Email edinburghlourdes@gmail.com

WATCH: Faith and fun at HCPT Lourdes pilgrimage

Archbishop Leo Cushley has joined hundreds of children in Lourdes as part of HCPT’s Easter Pilgrimage.

Nearly 2,500 people from across the UK, including disabled and disadvantaged children, are at the pilgrimage which includes groups from Edinburgh and Fife.

Archbishop Cushley, the charity's president, said: "People from across the world visit Lourdes with HCPT because they have seen the way they love and look after children.

"The pilgrimage gives children a holiday as well as an experience of Christ's love for them.

"Volunteers set aside a lot of time, effort, energy and love for children with special needs. It's very moving and it's very fun.

"I'm honoured to be the HCPT president and pleased to have the chance to express profound gratitide for the work it does."

Also at the pilgrimage is Fr Jamie Boyle of St Mary's Parish in Stirling.

HCPT (Hosanna House and Children’s Pilgrimage Trust) is a charity registered in England & Wales and in Scotland. Its first Easter pilgrimage was back in 1956.

Stay in touch with the pilgrimage by following HCPT on Facebook or visit the website.