WATCH: Prepare for Pentecost (Week 2)

Watch Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM and Fr Kevin Douglas in our second talk on Preparing for Pentacost. See below or on YouTube.

The first session of the six-week talk series is available to watch below or on YouTube.


St Thomas Aquinas would often say that we can't love what we don't know.

Follow his lead in this six-week online course to explore the Holy Trinity.

Preparing for Pentecost (Exploring Pentecost & The Holy Trinity with St Thomas Aquinas) will help you get to know God better, allowing us to love Him and live in His presence day by day.

Each one-hour Zoom session will help you prepare for two feasts at the end of Eastertide: Pentecost (28 May) and The Most Holy Trinity (4 June).

Sessions are hosted by Sr Anna Marie McGuan RSM, our catechetics advisor, and Fr Kevin Douglas, parish priest of St Theresa’s, St Philip’s and St Andrew’s (West Lothian).

It is designed for people without a philosophical or theological background, but who want to know the Catholic faith better or who are just interested in what Christians believe and why.


Please click here to register for the six week course. You will be sent a link to join each week (and helpful reminders)



Preparing for Pentecost: Exploring Pentecost & The Holy Trinity with St Thomas Aquinas is organised by the Catechetics Commission of the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh.

Archbishop Cushley invites us to pray Rosary at 1pm

Archbishop Cushley is calling for Catholics in the diocese to pray the Rosary today at 1pm as part of a National Rosary Rally.

During his homily at Sunday Mass he invited us to join with Our Lady in prayer on this sacred day of Pentecost to pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit.

He said: "From this day forward the disciples of the Lord Jesus are bound together in the spirit into a profound communion of love and purpose. They are united in prayer and they do so in the presence of Our Blessed Lady.

"Today, we are going to do the same thing. We are going to unite ourselves to Our Lady in prayer because we are celebrating a National Rosary Rally. It's taking place throughout England, Wales and Scotland.

"We have been asked to pray the Rosary at 1pm, as each diocese across the country takes an hour to pray the Rosary throughout today.

"So let me invite you to join us all at 1pm this afternoon, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, just as the apostles did, lets pray with Our Lady for the gift of the Holy Spirit to be given to us all, so that these times in which we are living can be turned into extraordinary times in the Holy Spirit. Have a wonderful Feast Day, God bless you all and keep each other safe."

We will share a video today on our Facebook page today at 1pm. It features families in the Most Holy Trinity parish, West Fife, praying the Rosary. Watch it here. Find out more about the National Rosary Rally here.


Archbishop Cushley's Pentecost Sunday Homily

My dear friends, today is the solemnity of Pentecost, the day when we remember the gift of the Holy Spirit descending upon Our Lady and the apostles, gathered in prayer in the upper room.

You and I weren’t there to witness what happened, but we all date the birth of the church from that day onwards and the evidence for that is abundant. From that moment onwards everything is transformed.

From that moment onwards we can see the evidence of that in the actions of the apostles. We know this because from then on they are filled with courage and joy and they are like that for the rest of their lives.

This is the moment when we see the church begin. And from this moment onwards all the evidence points towards their sense of faith, of brotherhood, of shared purpose, of love, joy and a profound sense of communion with the Lord and with each other. The key to understanding what is going on here is the change that took place on that first Pentecost Sunday, and we attribute that to the gift of the Holy Spirit descending upon them.

From this day forward the disciples of the Lord Jesus are bound together in the spirit into a profound communion of love and purpose. They are united in prayer and they do so in the presence of Our Blessed Lady.

Today we are going to do the same thing. We are going to unite ourselves to our lady in prayer because today we are celebrating a National Rosary Rally and it’s taking place throughout England, Wales and Scotland.

Our diocese has been asked to pray the Rosary at 1pm this afternoon as each diocese across the country takes an hour to pray the rosary throughout today.

So let me invite you to join us all at 1pm, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, just as the apostles did, lets pray with our lady for the gift of the Holy Spirit to be given to us all so that these times in which we are living can be turned into extraordinary times in the Holy Spirit. Have a wonderful feast day, God bless you all and keep each other safe.