Refugees get a taste of home at social night
Refugees living in Edinburgh demonstrated their culinary skills at a social evening at St Columba's parish hall in Newington, Edinburgh recently.
The event was organised by the Refugees, Asylum Seekers & Migrants Working Group (RAMWG) of the Archdiocesan Caritas, Justice & Peace Commission.
Agatha Kai Kai (pictured above) from the commission said: "The idea was formed when we heard about a group of male refugees living in hotels in Haymarket and the Grassmarket, transported from Northern Ireland by the Home Office three months ago.
"They are fed on a British diet and were desperate for their own indigenous food. So they planned the recipes and we bought ingredients.
"The nine young men cooked delicious meals, needing little help from the five volunteers from RAMWG and St Columba's parish.
"The atmosphere was friendly and chatty. In sharing enjoyable food and conversations, we all learnt a little from each culture."
To find out more about the Refugees, Asylum Seekers & Migrants Working Group contact