David Hunter awarded Archdiocesan medal
Congratulations to David Hunter who received a special honour at Ss John & Columba in Rosyth at the weekend.
He was presented with the Archdiocesan Medal (St Andrews & Edinburgh) from Archbishop Cushley on Saturday morning for his outstanding service to the Society of St Vincent de Paul's Fife Furniture Project.

Archbishop Cushley said: "Congratulations to David. We thank him and all who volunteer for the Society of St Vincent de Paul (SSVP) and charities in the Archdiocese who help the those in need."
David leads the Fife Furniture Project with Moira McCrae, who will receive the Archdiocesan Medal shortly.
They were both nominated for the award by Canon Brian Gowans, the Vicar Episcopal for Caritas, Justice & Peace, and Archdiocesan Spiritual Director for the SSVP.
He said: "David and Moira have helped so many families and I have called upon them to help families in need pver the years.
"David genuinely loves his work and seeing how people can move on with their lives after receiving furniture or white goods.
"I am delighted that my nominations were accepted as David and Moira richly deserved the Archdiocesan Medal."
Fr Andrew Kingham, parish priest, said: "David is a humble and modest man who devotes so much of his time to the Church. Today we recognise his work for the SSVP of which he has been a stalwart for so many years.
Haydn Carr, President of the SSVP for the Archdiocese, said: "This is a richly deserved award for such a humble and hard-working man. David epitomises everything that is good about the SSVP."
The Fife Furniture Project supports people who have been homeless or are in need. Volunteers collect and deliver furniture and white goods to those in need across Fife at no cost.
The Archdiocesan Medal for Outstanding Service to the Church was established in 1975 by Cardinal Gordon Joseph Gray, Archbishop of St Andrews & Edinburgh. Only 100 or so medals have been awarded for “outstanding voluntary service” to the Church at a local level.