Archbishop praises parish broadcasts on 'Stream Sunday'

Archbishop Cushley has praised the creative efforts of parishes who broadcast Mass on the internet on 'Stream Sunday'.

Many priests, deacons and parishioners collaborated to post Holy Mass, reflections and prayers at the weekend to help people take part in an act of 'spiritual communion' in the absence of public Mass.

Archbishop Cushley said: "On Sunday, many of our parishes got online to reach out to their communities. It is great to see so many working together to make this happen."

Our video (above) features Fr Sebastian Thurthippillil, of St Barbara's Parish in Whitburn/Armadale, demonstrating how to use Facebook live. Deacon Eddie White, of St John's & St Mary Magdalene's in Edinburgh, described the "phenomenal" response to their first stream using YouTube

He has put together a guide on YouTube streaming. Click here to access it.