Fr Matthew Nunes to lead Synod event in February

The Archdiocese will welcome Fr Matthew Nunes from the Archdiocese of Liverpool on Saturday 1 February to lead a workshop on practical synodality for parishioners and clergy.

The event is titled Conversations in the Spirit: How to Lead & Participate and takes place at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB on Saturday 1 February.

Register for this free event here.

Fr Nunes runs a School of Synodality in the Liverpool Archdiocese and has a wealth of experience and insights to share.

The event includes practical steps to take for being synodal in your parish, with speaker input and workshops and a chance to have your say.

We invite you to join us for Holy Mass at 10:00am (optional) in St Margaret's Chapel, followed by tea and coffee in the Islay Hall  before the event begins officially at 11:00am.

Fr John Deighan, who leads the Archdiocesan Synod Team and is parish priest at Ss John Cantius & Nicholas in Broxburn, said:"We welcome all parishioners in the Archdiocese, along with clergy to this event. We especially invite members of parish councils to attend."

Conversations in the Spirit  takes place at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB.  It is organised by the Synod team of the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, led  by Fr John Deighan of Ss John Cantius & Nicholas in Broxburn. Register here.

Conversations in the Spirit

Fr Matthew Nunes from the Archdiocese of Liverpool will speak on the theme Conversations in the Spirit: How to Lead & Participate.

Fr Nunes runs a School of Synodality in the Liverpool Archdiocese and has a wealth of experience and insights to share.

We will discuss the practical steps of being synodal in your parish with speaker input and workshops and a chance to have your say.

We invite you to join us for Holy Mass at 10:00am (optional), followed by tea and coffee in the Islay Hall  where the event begins officially at 11:00am

Who is this event for?

"We welcome all parishioners in the Archdiocese, along with clergy to this event. We especially invite members of parish councils to attend." - Fr John Deighan, Archdiocesan Synod Team.


Click here to register


10:00am: Holy Mass in St Margaret's Chapel (optional).

10:30am: Tea/Coffee.


11:00am: Session 1: How to do Conversations in the Spirit.

11:30am: First Conversation and Feedback.


12:30pm: Lunch (please bring a packed lunch. Local cafes/shops available).


1:15pm: Session 2: conversation in the spirit and the theology of synodality.

1:45pm: Second conversation and Feedback.

2:45pm: Evaluation, future plans, close.


Free parking onsite. Come early to secure your place and follow the directions of the stewards. Postcode for Sat-Nav EH9 1BB.

Bus: Edinburgh's Number 5 bus stops directly outside the The Gillis Centre.

Train: The closest station is Haymarket, which is a 15-20 minute walk to The Gillis Centre.

Conversations in the Spirit  takes place at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB.  It is organised by the Synod team of the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, led  by Fr John Deighan of Ss John Cantius & Nicholas in Broxburn. Register here.

SYNOD: Bishop McGee's Rome updates

Bishop Brian McGee is representing the Catholic Church in Scotland at the second session of the Synod of Bishops in Rome.

He has been posting updates on the Facebook page of the Diocese of Argyll & the Isles and we have put his posts here so you can read about the progress of the Synod.

Wednesday 23 October 2024
Any final amendments to the draft Final Report had to be submitted by 12.30pm today.
The theologians and writers are once again hard at work because the revised text must be ready for approval on Saturday.
My mind is increasingly turning to how synodality can be developed both in Argyll and the Isles and across Scotland.
After lunch I participated in a voluntary and helpful workshop called ‘Bringing Synodality Home’.
On Monday I spent an enjoyable hour walking through the Vatican Gardens. Without a doubt the combination of manicured gardens, plants, ancient statues, the Vatican buildings and the sense of history and faith is remarkable and beautiful but, to be honest, I still consider the raw grandeur of God’s creation found in Scotland’s mountains, lochs and islands to be even more beautiful still!

Tuesday 22 October 2024

The atmosphere has been terrific during this Second Assembly.

Last year we were strangers and initially unsure of the process and so it took a bit of time for us to settle in, although we did do so.

This year has been completely different. The bonds of friendship and trust were immediately renewed.

We picked up where we left off and it has been wonderful sharing with people from almost every country in the world. We are very aware of the privilege and responsibility we have as Synodal delegates.

There is a determination to do our best.

There is a genuine openness to the Spirit.

The experience fills us with hope for the future of the Church.

Monday 21 October 2024

Our fifth module began today with a Day of Recollection.

We started with Mass of the Holy Spirit in St Peter’s Basilica, under the beautiful stain glass window of the Holy Spirit. I always find this an inspiring image, especially when we are seeking the Spirit’s guidance.

After a meditation delivered by Fr Timothy Radcliffe we were given the draft Final Report to read in silence.

I headed off to the Vatican Gardens which was a beautiful setting for pondering the text in silence.

The afternoon consisted of Conversation in the Spirit within our Small Group. Tomorrow we begin discussing the text and proposing changes.


Sunday 20 October 2024

On the night before the Synod began I prayed at the tomb of St Catherine of Siena seeking her intercession.
You may remember that before I left Oban I began a novena to St Thérèse of Lisieux for the exact same reason.
Rome is full of tombs and Churches dedicated to saints: Our Lady, St Peter, St Paul, St Monica, St Charles Borromeo, St Ignatius of Loyola, St Philip Neri, Popes John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II and many others.
During weekends I have visited many Churches to seek the intercession of these and other saints buried or dedicated there. Why? The Communion of Saints.
The saints are part of the Church but are now sharing in the glory of Christ in heaven.
They have clarity regarding what life is about and they love us, therefore they want to intercede on our behalf.
I am aware of the importance of this Synod and my own limitations and therefore it seems natural to me to seek the intercession of my brothers and sisters in heaven.
Furthermore, this Synod does not exist in isolation but is part of a long history of many gatherings of Councils and Synods.
It is important to remember that what we are doing is not something novel or in isolation but rather part of a long tradition to which I know we must be faithful.
For that too I seek the intercession of the saints who were disciples that discerned and followed God’s will, including those who participated in previous Synods and Councils over the past 2,000 years.
All you Saints of God, pray for us.

Saturday 19 October

Yesterday we finished the fourth module which also marks the end of our (chocolate munching) Group.
The theologians and writers have, of course, already been hard at work and now they must finish the draft Final Report over the weekend.
They have to bring together a potential 1,650 submissions from groups and individuals in five different languages from numerous cultures across the world. Not an easy task!
However, it is important work as the Report, once approved, will be presented to Pope Francis. The Report should accurately reflect the Assembly’s discussions but also contain concrete proposals for how the Church can become more synodal and missionary.
Please keep the writers in your prayers over the weekend.
Our fifth and final module begins on Monday with Mass in St Peter’s at 7.30am which will be live-streamed on Vatican Media.

Friday 18 October 2024

I mentioned at the beginning of October that Pope Francis had established 10 Working Groups to study recommendations which were raised during the First Assembly but needed further theological or canonical research.
Today we have an opportunity to meet with the Working Groups, which will report back to Pope Francis by the end of June 2025.
The 10 Groups are studying: (i) Ecumenism (ii) Cry of the Poor (iii) Relations between Eastern Catholic and Latin Churches (iv) Relationship between charismatic and hierarchical ministries, including the role of women (v) Bishops, including a synodal method of selection (vi) Relationship between bishop, religious and ecclesial movements (vii) Formation in synodality(viii) How does love and truth relate? - working synodally in difficult dogmatic, pastoral and moral issues (ix) Digital Mission (x) Nuncios.
Two further Groups are studying Canon Law and polygamy (pastoral care where traditionally practiced).
If you wish, you can also share your own thoughts with one or more of the Working Groups by emailing
Interestingly, myself and the Superior General of Female Religious, Sr Mary Barron, both received a document from an Argyll and the Isles parishioner which had arisen from one of our parish’s recent Led by the Spirit Meeting, which has now been passed to the relevant Group.

Thursday 17 October 2024

In response to a request made during last year’s Assembly, deeper theological reflections have been provided on key synodal themes. These Forums are held on Wednesday evenings and open to anyone.

A panel of experts speak on different aspects of a particular topic before taking questions from the floor.

The topics have been:

(i) The People of God and mission
(ii) Bishops in a Synodal Church
(iii) the relationship between the Local Church and Universal Church and
(iv) Papal Primacy and the Synod of Bishops.


Wednesday 16 October 2024

To keep our Small Group’s energy levels up (and sugar levels too, unfortunately) we share chocolate during every session but today we were healthy with bananas!

For some strange reason, they want me to bring whisky!

We are half way through the 4th Module, reflecting on ‘Places’ of synodal missionary activity: how can parishes, new movements, basic Christian communities, cultures, digital technology, migration, dioceses, Bishops’ Conferences, the Roman Curia, the Pope, plurality yet Unity of Faith etc help us become more missionary?

What are the obstacles, what needs to change, what must develop, in a radically changing world, for us to become more relevant and effective missionaries?


Tuesday 15 October 2024

The Synod logo and message (For a Synodal church: communion, participation, mission) remains the same but the language constantly changes on our monitors. Now it is in Arabic.

This visualises the richness of encounter here, as we listen to people from all across the world - and not restricted to the official meetings but over coffee, in our residences and during worship.

As we reflect on Church life and how the Lord is leading us to deepen our mission such encounters are eye opening and encouraging.

The Spirit is at work and people are responding from every tribe, race and nation! We are truly blessed to be here and I hope that I can share some of that with you when I return home. Mass will be celebrated tomorrow, Wednesday, at 3pm and will be broadcast on Vatican Media.


Monday 14 October 2024

The past two Sundays I visited the Scots College celebrating Mass and enjoying their hospitality over lunch.

It was good to spend time with our seminarians and staff. I thank the Community for their generosity in discerning the Lord’s call for them. Please remember them in your prayers.

Yesterday I travelled to the College with Sr Catherine Skelton, a Daughter of St Paul, who is now based in Rome. We both grew up in Joseph’s Parish, Greenock - in fact on the same street, Grieve Road. I asked Sr Catherine why she joined her particular Congregation.

As a teenager on holiday in Rothesay she attended Mass in St Andrew’s and picked up a book about St Paul’s founder and from that became aware of her vocation! Tourists are constantly visiting parishes across our diocese.

We have a privileged ministry and we should never underestimate the positive influence the Lord can have through us.


Sunday 13 October 2024

I know that it’s hard to believe but yesterday I received pictures from a hailstone drenched Greenock so greetings today from a warm and sunny Rome!

We are now half way through the Synod. Tomorrow we will complete our third module, entitled Pathways for Synodality. Previously we recognised that the richness of relationships which makes up the Church is both powerful and fragile.

Now we are reflecting on the ways decision taking and decision making can be consistent with synodality. Topics have included formation, discernment, the manner decisions are taken, transparency and evaluation.

There are many nuances in these and other relevant areas and so we have been delving deeply in order to offer concrete proposals to Pope Francis.


Saturday 12 October 2024

We participated in an Ecumenical Service yesterday evening in the grounds of St Peter’s at the shrine to the First Martyrs of Rome, on the 62nd anniversary of the beginning of the Second Vatican Council.

The desire for Christian Unity was reinvigorated at the Council while the Synod of Bishops is one of its many fruits.

There are 16 Fraternal Delegates participating in the Synod from Orthodox and Protestant Churches. Although Fraternal Delegates cannot vote they fully contribute to our discussions, both in the Small Groups and Plenary Sessions, and their insights and friendships enrich us.

The entire synodal journey has emphasised the importance of baptism which has ecumenical implications since all Christians share a common baptism.


Friday 11 October 2024

The Catholic Church consists of 24 Churches of which by far the largest is the Latin Church.

The other 23 are knowns as Oriental or Eastern Catholic Churches which are in full communion with the Pope, although they celebrate Mass and worship in different Rites and have distinct traditions from us in the Latin Church.

The Eastern Catholic Churches are traditionally found in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Eastern Africa and India although many members now live in the West due to war, persecution and poverty. In fact, it is quite possible that recently some have moved into your own parish and will be attending Mass alongside you in our Latin Rite.

However, when possible they will attend Mass in their own particular Rite if one of their priests is available and their numbers are sufficient. We should make every effort to welcome them into our parishes but also support them in preserving their bonds with their own particular Eastern Catholic Church.

The Oriental Churches are participating in the Synod and our unity in diversity witnesses to the catholicity of our Church.

During the week we celebrated Mass in St Peter’s according to the Maronite Rite. The Maronite Church is mainly found in Lebanon and we prayed for the people of Lebanon who, of course, are suffering from war.

Last Monday Pope Francis called for a day of prayer and fasting for peace. On Monday the Synod members held a collection for the parishioners of the only Catholic parish in Gaza.

Many families are sheltering at the Church complex in terrible conditions and Pope Francis phones them every day. The Collection raised just over 32,000 euros which has already been sent to the Holy Land.


Thursday 10 October 2024

I explained yesterday that proposals from each of the 39 Small Groups are fed into 5 language groups, populated by the rapporteur from each Small Group, which in turn decides which topics seem the most important.

One (poor) rapporteur is voted by each language groups to represent them in a further meeting, with the General Secretariat, to make the final decision about the topics, now formulated as questions, which best represent the thoughts of the 370 Synod members.

Not an easy task! 7 or 8 questions are then emailed to each member to mull over.

Next day every member votes for what he or she thinks is the most important question to discuss.

We are then told the order of preferences. During the Plenary Assembly the top 4 questions will be discussed, beginning with the question which received the most votes.

This question will also have the most time allocated with the second question following but with a bit less time and so on. The final period is for free interventions on topics which did not make ‘the cut’. Members can speak for 3 minutes with silence after every 4 speakers.

After the third Plenary the Small Group again meets to discuss what they have learnt from listening to the entire assembly.

We then pen our written report, maximum of 2 pages, which must contain concrete proposals, vote that it is an accurate record and then the rapporteur submits it to the General Secretariat.

We then lie down in a quiet, dark room before beginning the whole process again for the next module!

Meanwhile the theologians and writers begin reading our submissions to pull themes together in preparation for drafting the Final Report.

Tomorrow, Friday, there will be an Ecumenical Service at 6pm which can be watched live on Vatican Media.


Wednesday 9 October 2024

It was my birthday yesterday which I had hoped to keep quiet but the Synod Secretariat think that it is ‘nice’ to publicly announce these things.

My Small Group then hurriedly printed an impromptu Birthday Card (with all our faces on it) and got/stole a wee cake.

Perhaps this was to make up for having voted me as the rapporteur the day previously (they obviously didn’t get the memo about my near disaster as Secretary in my previous Group).

Last year the Small Groups were given different aspects of the same topic to discuss and so the feedback to the Plenary was varied.

However, this year we are all reflecting on the same chapter from the Working Document.

To avoid unnecessary repetition during the Plenary Session there are only 5 feedbacks, representing all the 39 Small Groups. How is this achieved?

Yesterday I explained that the Small Groups, after 4 rounds of sharing, agree on particular topics they would like the Plenary Assembly to discuss in greater detail.

Each Small Group elects a rapporteur who will represent it and present their preferred topics when the 39 rapporteurs meet over 5 language groups: 2 English and 1 each of Italian, French and Spanish/Portuguese. For 2 hours the rapporteurs prayerfully share their individual groups conclusions, then agree together which are the most important topics before formulating questions which will be proposed for the Plenary Session.

Tomorrow I’ll explain the next steps in a very thorough discernment process.


Tuesday 8 October 2024

During the Synod our discernment is based on the Conversation in the Spirit method, which discerns God’s will by listening to the Spirit through the Scriptures and each other, who are temples of the Spirit. The atmosphere is one of prayerful reflection.

Our text is the Working Document (or Instrumentum laboris) which is the fruit of three years discernment across the Church. Our task is to deepen its strengths and correct its weaknesses and thereby ultimately present to Pope Francis practical proposals for making the Church more synodal.

The Working Document consists of four chapters, each exploring a particular topic. There are 39 Small Groups, arranged linguistically, consisting of around 10 members plus a facilitator.

In advance we prayerfully read the relevant chapter. After silent prayer each member shares the chapter’s strengths for 3 minutes. Everyone listens without interruption. More silence before we share what needs further development, inclusion or omission, again without interruption.

Thirdly, after silence, we share what touched us when we listened to others - what attracted or challenged us. We then have an open discussion before agreeing which topics we want the whole Assembly to explore more deeply. The next stages I will share with you tomorrow.


Monday 7 October 2024

This morning we joined our new Small Groups for the Second Module.

It’s almost like the first day at a new school, looking around to see who is there! Anyway this time I’m the only member living in the West so that should make for rich sharing and learning.

Last week’s module reflected on the foundations of Synodality including spirituality and theology. The next three modules should identify practical steps to ensure the implementation of synodal practices at every level of Church life - parishes, dioceses, nationally, lay movements, Religious Orders and universally.

So the emphasis is now firmly on HOW the Church can better live synodally.

This second module focusses on Relationships while the next two will be Pathways and then Places.

Relationships includes (but not restricted to) our relationship with God; the charisms and ministries among all the baptised; relations with each other e.g. bishops and priests, laity and clergy, among clergy, among parishioners, Religious, ecumenically, Inter-Faith and secular society.

The method we are using is Conversation in the Spirit, similar to last year but with some changes. Tomorrow I will explain how it works.


Sunday 6 October 2024

Today Pope Francis invited the Synod participants to join him in praying the Rosary for peace in St Mary Major Basilica.

The Holy Father has also asked that tomorrow, 7th October and the first anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel with all the terrible suffering which has followed, be a day of prayer and fasting for peace.

Several participants in my Small Groups are from the Middle East and other troubled countries.

Listening to their and others’ experiences is moving and disturbing. I marvel at their courage in even being here.

Humanity is capable of so much good and beauty but also of dark depravity. Many conflicts are complex with long painful histories. Solutions may seem impossible but never for God.

Please join the Pope tomorrow in prayer and fasting for we all need hearts melted by Christ’s love that will work for peace, justice and reconciliation.

Our Lady, Queen of Peace, pray for us.


Saturday 5 October 2024

We finished our first module today.

As Secretary for our Small Group I was responsible for keeping notes and then writing our Report.

All went well, the Report was unanimously approved and everyone left except for the Rapporteur who was then to submit it.

Suddenly I couldn’t find the file on my computer and absolute panic set in!

Thankfully the Rapporteur eventually discovered it and our Report was safely submitted.

I arrived home late for lunch but boy, did I enjoy my carbonara

This year our purpose is to discern HOW the Church can become more synodal in its mission. What practical steps need to be taken?

This first module examined the foundations of synodality- theology, spirituality, activity etc.

Our Small Group had representatives from 6 continents so the experiences shared were varied and enriching.

It is a joy to see the Spirit at work in every part of the world.


Thursday 3 October

Today we began work in earnest in our Small Groups. I appreciate that some will consider the Synodal process to be a mere talking shop and that nothing will come of it. Time alone will tell. However, we must remember that our purpose is to discern God’s Will. Listening and attentiveness to God takes time. We go at the Lord’s pace and not our own.

We started this process in our parishes back in 2021. Small groups of parishioners met to reflect and share. The Church listened to what you said along with similar voices from across Scotland, Europe and the Universal Church. Since 2021 there have been several further rounds which deepened those initial reflections.

At the end of Last October’s Assembly we presented the Holy Father with a Synthesis Report which contained recommendations. Some of them needed further theological and canonical study before decisions could be made. Pope Francis established 10 Working Groups to study some recommendations in depth.

We received the initial reports yesterday and it is hoped that they will present their work to Pope France by the end of June 2025.

That will enable concrete decisions to be taken as the Pope judges best. Here is a list of the Working Groups - not all will seem immediately relevant but we must remember that the Church is wider than our parishes and indeed even Scotland!


Wednesday 2 October 2024

This morning Pope Francis celebrated Mass in St Peter’s Square to open the Synod.

It was a beautiful and uplifting occasion as we gathered together from every nation to seek the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Pope Francis shared that being open to the Spirit and one another would help us find the path the Lord is calling us along today.

Our first meeting takes place today at 3pm (Scottish time) which will include a speech by Pope Francis and initial reports by the 10 Working Groups established following last October’s First Session.

This can be watched live on Vatican Media.


Tuesday 1 October 2024

The Synod is partly reflecting on how the Church can better walk with people.

Such closeness needs reconciliation.

The Church has been entrusted by Christ as his messenger of mercy which she does beautifully in so many ways across the world, albeit imperfectly.

Sometimes the Church has actively caused pain. Therefore, the Church herself stands in need of mercy.

This evening our retreat concluded with a Vigil of Penitence led by Pope Francis in St Peter’s Basilica.

We listened to three moving testimonies of those who had suffered from the sins of abuse, war and indifference to migration before a litany of sorrow was read by 6 Cardinals.

Afterwards I spoke with several Asian women who described Church members as both accomplices and victims of suffering.

All of us are guilty of harming others by what we do or chose not to do. However, forgiveness is like a resurrection in that, having fallen, we rise up again.

This morning Fr Radcliffe reminded us that part of Peter’s authority came from being a repentant and forgiven sinner.

I pray that on the evening before the Synod begins our Church - humbler and renewed by seeking mercy - will be graced to fruitfully accompany the suffering peoples of today’s world.

Bishop Brian in Rome for second session of Synod

Bishop Brian McGee is in Rome to represent the Catholic Church in Scotland at the second session of the Synod.

The task of the Synod, which begins on Wednesday, is to complete the discernment begun at the first session and offer the result of this discernment to Pope Francis in a final document.

Bishop Brian will share regular updates on the Facebook page of the Diocese of Argyll & the Isles.

On Saturday he posted: "I am just heading out the door for the Synod of Bishops in Rome. I was given this icon of St Thérèse when her relics visited Scotland.

"I am praying a Novena seeking her intercession during the Synod.

I am praying that I will constantly strive to listen and follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

"Please pray for me and all the Synod participants that as we gather our sole desire will be to seek God’s will through listening to God’s Word, his presence in others and then discerning prayerfully what we hear. Thank you."

Synod Sessions will be broadcast live on the YouTube page of Vatican News. Main image: Bishop Brian (second left) with assembly members at last year's first session of the Synod in Rome

Synod Report released

In the Synthesis Report approved and published by the 16th General Assembly of the Synod on Synodality, there is a renewed look at the world and the Church, writes Vatican News.

After four weeks of work, which began on 4 October in the Paul VI Hall, the General Assembly concluded its first session on Saturday in the Vatican.

The 40-page document is the result of the work of the assembly over the last month. It is divided into a preface and three parts, tracing the path for the work to be done in the second session in 2024.

The following is a summary of the document by Vatican News. The document can be read here

Listening to all, beginning with victims of abuse

As in the Letter to the People of God, the synod assembly reaffirms an “openness to listening and accompanying all, including those who have suffered abuse and hurt in the Church”, which “addressing the structural conditions that abetted such abuse, remains before us, and requires concrete gestures of penitence”.

The face of a synodal Church

Synodality is a first step. It is a term that the participants in the Synod themselves admit is “a term unfamiliar to many members of the People of God, causing some people confusion and concern” (1 f), including fears of a departure from tradition, a debasement of the hierarchical nature of the Church (1 g), a loss of power or, on the contrary, immobility and a lack of courage for change. “Synodal” and “synodality” are instead terms that “speak of a mode of being Church that integrates communion, mission, and participation”. So they indicate a way of living the Church, valuing differences and developing the active involvement of all. This begins with deacons, priests, and bishops: “A synodal Church cannot do without their voices” (1 n), we read. “We need an understanding of the reasons for resistance to synodality by some of them”.


The document continues explaining that synodality goes hand in hand with mission. Hence, it is necessary that “Christian communities are to enter into solidarity with those of other religions, convictions and cultures, thus avoiding, on the one hand, the risk of self-referentiality and self-preservation, and on the other hand the risk of loss of identity” (2 e). In this new “pastoral style”, it would seem important to many to make “liturgical language more accessible to the faithful and more embodied in the diversity of cultures” (3 l).

The poor at the centre

Ample space in the Report is devoted to the poor, who ask the Church for “love”, understood as “respect, acceptance, and recognition” (4 a). “For the Church, the option for the poor and those at the margins is a theological category before being a cultural, sociological, political or philosophical category” (4 b), the document reiterates, identifying the poor not only as those who are materially impoverished, but also migrants; indigenous peoples; victims of violence and abuse (especially women), or racism and trafficking; people with addictions; minorities; abandoned elderly people; and exploited workers (4 c). Among “the most vulnerable of the vulnerable, on whose behalf constant advocacy is needed, [are] the unborn and their mothers”, the document continues. “The Assembly hears the cry of the ‘new poor’, produced by wars and terrorism that plague many countries on several continents, and the assembly condemns the corrupt political and economic systems that cause such strife”.

The most vulnerable of the vulnerable, for whom constant advocacy is needed, are the children in the womb and their mothers," reads the text of the Assembly, which says it is "aware of the cry of the 'new poor' produced by wars and terrorism also caused by 'corrupt political and economic systems'.

Commitment of believers in the field of politics and for the common good

In this sense, the Church is urged to be committed both to the “public denunciation of the injustices” perpetrated by individuals, governments, and companies; and to active engagement in politics, associations, trade unions, popular movements (4f and 4g). At the same time, the consolidated action of the Church in the fields of education, health, and social assistance, “without any discrimination or the exclusion of anyone”, must not be neglected (4 k).


There is also a focus on migrants and refugees, “many of whom bear the wounds of uprooting, war and violence”. They “often become a source of renewal and enrichment for the communities that welcome them and an opportunity to establish direct links with geographically distant churches” (5 d). Faced with increasingly hostile attitudes towards them, the General Assembly says, “We are called to practice an open welcome, to accompany them in the construction of a new life and to build a true intercultural communion among peoples”. Fundamental in this sense is “respect for the liturgical traditions and religious practices of migrants” as well as respect for their own language. For example, a word like “mission”, in contexts where “the proclamation of the Gospel was associated with colonization, even genocide”, is laden with “painful historical memories” and “hinders communion today” (5 e). “Evangelising in these contexts requires acknowledging mistakes made, learning a new sensitivity to these issues”, the document states.

Combating racism and xenophobia

Equal commitment and care is required of the Church “to engage decisively in education, in the culture of dialogue and encounter, combating racism and xenophobia, especially through pastoral formation” (5 p). It is also urgent to identify “systems within the Church that create or maintain racial injustice” (5 q).

Eastern Churches

Remaining on the subject of migration, the Report looks to Eastern Europe and the recent conflicts that have caused the flow of numerous faithful from the Catholic East into territories with a Latin majority. It is necessary, the Assembly says, “for the local Latin-rite Churches, in the name of synodality, to help the Eastern faithful who have emigrated to preserve their identity and cultivate their specific heritage, without undergoing processes of assimilation is the request of the Fathers” (6c).

On the road to Christian unity

With regard to ecumenism, the Report speaks of a “spiritual renewal” that requires “processes of repentance and healing of the memory” (7c). It goes on to quote Pope Francis’ expression about an “ecumenism of the blood”; that is “Christians of different affiliations who give their lives for faith in Jesus Christ” (7d), and it mentions the proposal for an ecumenical martyrology (7o). The Report also reiterates that “collaboration among all Christians” is a resource “for healing the culture of hatred, division and war that pits groups, peoples and nations against each other”. It does not forget the issue of so-called mixed marriages, which are realities in which “it is possible to evangelize each other” (7 f).

Laity and families (Part II)

“Laymen and laywomen, those in consecrated life, and ordained ministers have equal dignity” (8b): this conviction is forcefully reiterated in the Synthesis Report, which recalls how the lay faithful are “increasingly present and active in service within Christian communities” (8e). Educators in the faith, theologians, formators, spiritual animators, and catechists, active in safeguarding and administration: their contributions are “indispensable to the mission of the Church” (8 e). The different charisms must therefore be “called forth, recognized and fully appreciated” (8 f), and not be ignored, underutilized, or “clericalised” (8 f).

Women in the life and mission of the Church

There is, then, a call for a strong commitment on the part of the Church to accompany and understand women in all aspects of their lives, including pastoral and sacramental ones. Women, it says, “cry out for justice in societies still marked by sexual violence, economic inequality and the tendency to treat them as objects” (9 c), adding “Pastoral accompaniment and vigorous advocacy for women should go hand in hand”.


Many women present at the Synod “expressed deep gratitude for the work of priests and bishops”, but “also spoke of a Church that wounds" (9 f). “Clericalism, a chauvinist mentality, and inappropriate expressions of authority continue to scar the face of the Church and damage its communion”. A “profound spiritual conversion is needed as the foundation for any effective structural change”; and the General Assembly noted that “we desire to promote a Church in which men and women dialogue together… without subordination, exclusion, and competition” (9h).

Opening the diaconate to women?

Various opinions on opening the diaconate to women were acknowledged (9 j): for some, it is “unacceptable because they consider it a discontinuity with Tradition”; for others, it would restore a practice of the early Church; still others see it as “an appropriate and necessary response to the signs of the times … that would find an echo in the hearts of many who seek new energy and vitality in the Church”. Then there are those who are concerned that opening the diaconate to women would involve “a worrying anthropological confusion, which, if granted, would marry the Church to the spirit of the age”. Fathers and mothers of the Synod ask to continue “Theological and pastoral research on the access of women to the diaconate”, making use of the results of the commissions specially set up by the Pope, as well as the theological, historical and exegetical research already carried out: “If possible”, they say, “the results of this research should be presented at the next Session of the Assembly” (9 n).

Discrimination and abuse

In the meantime, the urgency of ensuring “that women can participate in decision-making processes and assume roles of responsibility in pastoral care and ministry” is reiterated, noting that canon law should be adapted accordingly (9m). Cases of employment discrimination and unfair remuneration must also be addressed, including those in the Church where consecrated women are often considered “cheap labour” (9 o). Similarly, women’s access to theological education and training programmes must be expanded (9 p), including promoting the use of inclusive language in liturgical texts and Church documents (9 q).

Consecrated Life

Looking at the richness and variety of the different forms of consecrated life, the Report warns against the “persistence of an authoritarian style, which makes no room for dialogue”. The Report notes, too, that “cases of abuse of various kinds experienced by those in religious life and members of lay associations, especially of women, signal a problem in the exercise of authority and demand decisive and appropriate interventions” (10 d).

Deacons and formation

The Assembly then expresses gratitude to ordained ministers, who are “called to live their service to the People of God in a disposition of proximity to people, welcoming and listening to all, while cultivating a deep personal spirituality and a life of prayer” (11b). The Report warns against clericalism, a “distortion of the priestly vocation” that “needs to be challenged from the earliest stages of formation” by ensuring “close contact” with the people and those in need (11 c). The request is also expressed, along these lines, that seminaries or other courses of formation of candidates for the ministry be linked to the daily life of communities (11 e), in order“to avoid the risks of formalism and ideology that lead to authoritarian attitudes, and impede genuine vocational growth”.


Mention was made of the theme of celibacy, which received different evaluations during the assembly.” Its value is appreciated by all as richly prophetic and a profound witness to Christ”; the Report says, while noting that some ask “whether its appropriateness, theologically, for priestly ministry should necessarily translate into a disciplinary obligation in the Latin Church, above all in ecclesial and cultural contexts that make it more difficult. This discussion is not new but requires further consideration”.


There is ample reflection on the figure and role of the bishop, who is called to be “an example of synodality” (12 c) by exercising “co-responsibility”, understood as the involvement of other actors within the diocese and the clergy, so as to lighten the burden of “administrative and legal commitments” which can hinder his mission (12 e). Coupled with this, the bishop does not always find the human and spiritual support he needs, while “a certain sense of loneliness is not uncommon” (12 e).


On the question of abuse, which “places many bishops in the difficult situation of having to reconcile the role of father with that of judge” (12 i), the Report supports the exploration of the “appropriateness of assigning the judicial task to another body, to be specified canonically” (12 i).

Formation (Part III)

A “synodal approach” is then requested for formation, with the recommendation that work be undertaken “on relationship and sexual education, to accompany young people as they mature in their personal and sexual identities and to support the maturation of those called to celibacy and consecrated chastity” (14 g). The Report emphasizes the importance of deepening “the dialogue between the human sciences” (14 h) so as to enable “careful consideration of matters that are controversial within the Church” (15 b) – that is, among other issues, matters “such as those relating to matters of identity and sexuality, the end of life, complicated marital situations, and ethical issues related to artificial intelligence”. Issues such as these are controversial precisely “because they pose new questions” in society and in the Church (15 g). “It is important to take the time required for this reflection and to invest our best energies in it, without giving in to simplistic judgments that hurt individuals and the Body of the Church”, the Report says, while recalling that “Church teaching already provides a sense of direction on many of these matters, but this teaching evidently still requires translation into pastoral practice”.


With the same concern, the Report renews the invitation to hear and accompany “people who feel marginalized or excluded from the Church because of their marriage status, identity or sexuality”. “There was a deep sense of love, mercy and compassion felt in the Assembly for those who are or feel hurt or neglected by the Church, who want a place to call ‘home’ where they can feel safe, be heard and respected, without fear of feeling judged”, the document says, while insisting that “Christians must always show respect for the dignity of every person” (16 h).


In light of the experiences reported in the Synod hall by some members of the Synod from Africa, SECAM (Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar) is encouraged to promote “a theological and pastoral discernment” on the topic of polygamy and the accompaniment of people in polygamous unions who are coming to faith” (16 q)

Digital culture

Finally, the Synthesis Report speaks of the digital environment: “It is up to us to reach today's culture in all spaces where people seek meaning and love, including the spaces they enter through their cell phones and tablets” (17 c), bearing in mind that the internet “can also cause harm and injury, such as through intimidation, disinformation, sexual exploitation, and addiction”. The Report adds, “There is an urgent need to consider how the Christian community can support families in ensuring that the online space is not only safe but also spiritually life-giving” (17 f).

FAQs: Final week at the Synod

What happened at the Synod this week?
Two main things happened:

What is the final summary document?
It has been described as a 40-page 'transitory' document, so it is not the final document of the Synod. The final document will be the one produced from the Synod meeting in 2024.

What is the final document expected to say?
Dr Paolo Ruffini, the Prefect of the Dicastery for Communication, said: "The Document will serve to encourage those who are already on the journey: all the baptized, laymen and laywomen, deacons, priests, bishops, consecrated persons. Everyone should feel encouraged and thanked for embarking on or continuing the journey."

So the Synod finishes this week?
Yes, this Assembly of the Synod concludes on Sunday with Mass at 9am (UK) in St Peter’s Basilica. It will resume with another Assembly in October 2024.

What else happened?
Synod members gathered on Wednesday to pray the Rosary at St Peter's Basilica.

What has Pope Francis said this week?
He made an intervention at the Wednesday afternoon session. He described the Church as "God’s faithful people... infallible in believing". He also criticised clericalism, describing it as "a whip, it is a scourge, it is a form of worldliness". Read his intervention here.

What has the Scottish Delegate, Bishop Brian McGee, said about the Synod in the past week?
Yesterday (Thursday) he posted on Facebook: "Everyone agrees on what a positive experience we have been blessed to live through. As Christians, no matter the difficulties, we have so much to hope in."

Bishop McGee (second left) posted this image on Sunday of his final rotating 'Small Group'.

Earlier in the week he said: "Work continues on the Synod’s synthesis report before being made public. It is important to remember that the Synod was never intended to resemble a Parliament’s debating chamber but rather is a spiritual experience where communal discernment of God’s Will is the primary purpose."


What happened in the first week of the Synod?
See our Week 1 FAQs here.

What happened  in the second and third week of the Synod?
See our Week 2 FAQs here and our Week 3 FAQs here.

Where should I go for more news about the Synod?
Vatican News has regular updates in a section of its website dedicated to the Synod here. An official Facebook page has been set up here. A Twitter account is here.

Images: Vatican Media.

SYNOD: Letter published to 'the People of God'

On Wednesday, participants at the Synod in Rome approved the Letter of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops to the People of God.

Letter of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops to the People of God.

Dear sisters, dear brothers,

As the proceedings of the first session of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops draw to a close, we want to thank God with all of you for the beautiful and enriching experience we have lived. We lived this blessed time in profound communion with all of you.

We were supported by your prayers, bearing with you your expectations, your questions, as well as your fears. As Pope Francis requested two years ago, a long process of listening and discernment was initiated, open to all the People of God, no one being excluded, to “journey together” under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, missionary disciples engaged in the following of Jesus Christ.

The session in which we have been gathered in Rome since 30 September is an important phase of this process. In many ways it has been an unprecedented experience. For the first time, at Pope Francis’ invitation, men and women have been invited, in virtue of their baptism, to sit at the same table to take part, not only in the discussions, but also in the voting process of this Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. Together, in the complementarity of our vocations, our charisms and our ministries, we have listened intensely to the Word of God and the experience of others.

Using the conversation in the Spirit method, we have humbly shared the wealth and poverty of our communities from every continent, seeking to discern what the Holy Spirit wants to say to the Church today. We have thus also experienced the importance of fostering mutual exchanges between the Latin tradition and the traditions of Eastern Christianity. The participation of fraternal delegates from other Churches and Ecclesial Communities deeply enriched our discussions.

Our assembly took place in the context of a world in crisis, whose wounds and scandalous inequalities resonated painfully in our hearts, infusing our work with a particular gravity, especially since some of us come from countries where war rages.

We prayed for the victims of deadly violence, without forgetting all those who have been forced by misery and corruption to take the dangerous road of migration. We assured our solidarity and commitment alongside the women and men all over the world who are working to build justice and peace.

At the invitation of the Holy Father, we made significant room for silence to foster mutual listening and a desire for communion in the Spirit among us.

During the opening ecumenical vigil, we experienced how the thirst for unity increases in the silent contemplation of the crucified Christ. In fact, the cross is the only cathedra of the One who, having given himself for the salvation of the world, entrusted His disciples to His Father, so that “they may all be one” (John 17:21).

Firmly united in the hope brought by His Resurrection, we entrusted to Him our common home where the cries of the earth and the poor are becoming increasingly urgent: “Laudate Deum!” (“Praise God!”), as Pope Francis reminded us at the beginning of our work.

Day by day, we felt the pressing call to pastoral and missionary conversion. For the Church’s vocation is to proclaim the Gospel not by focusing on itself, but by placing itself at the service of the infinite love with which God loved the world (cf. John 3:16).

When homeless people near St. Peter’s Square were asked about their expectations regarding the Church on the occasion of this synod, they replied: “Love!”. This love must always remain the ardent heart of the Church, a Trinitarian and Eucharistic love, as the Pope recalled on October 15, midway through our assembly, invoking the message of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus. It is “trust” that gives us the audacity and inner freedom that we experienced, not hesitating to freely and humbly express our convergences, differences, desires and questions.

And now? We hope that the months leading to the second session in October 2024 will allow everyone to concretely participate in the dynamism of missionary communion indicated by the word “synod”.

This is not about ideology, but about an experience rooted in the apostolic tradition. As the Pope reminded us at the beginning of this process, “communion and mission can risk remaining somewhat abstract, unless we cultivate an ecclesial praxis that expresses the concreteness of synodality (...) encouraging real involvement on the part of each and all” (October 9, 2021).

There are multiple challenges and numerous questions: the synthesis report of the first session will specify the points of agreement we have reached, highlight the open questions, and indicate how our work will proceed.

To progress in its discernment, the Church absolutely needs to listen to everyone, starting with the poorest. This requires a path of conversion on its part, which is also a path of praise: “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children” (Luke 10:21)!

It means listening to those who have been denied the right to speak in society or who feel excluded, even by the Church; listening to people who are victims of racism in all its forms – in particular in some regions to indigenous peoples whose cultures have been scorned.

Above all, the Church of our time has the duty to listen, in a spirit of conversion, to those who have been victims of abuse committed by members of the ecclesial body, and to commit herself concretely and structurally to ensuring that this does not happen again.

The Church also needs to listen to the laity, women and men, all called to holiness by virtue of their baptismal vocation: to the testimony of catechists, who in many situations are the first proclaimers of the Gospel; to the simplicity and vivacity of children, the enthusiasm of youth, to their questions, and their pleas; to the dreams, the wisdom and the memory of elderly people.

The Church needs to listen to families, to their educational concerns, to the Christian witness they offer in today's world. She needs to welcome the voice of those who want to be involved in lay ministries and to participate in discernment and decision-making structures.

To progress further in synodal discernment, the Church particularly needs to gather even more the words and experience of the ordained ministers: priests, the primary collaborators of the bishops, whose sacramental ministry is indispensable for the life of the whole body; deacons, who, through their ministry, signify the care of the entire Church for the most vulnerable.

She also needs to let herself be questioned by the prophetic voice of consecrated life, the watchful sentinel of the Spirit’s call. She also needs to be attentive to all those who do not share her faith but are seeking the truth, and in whom the Spirit, who “offers everyone the possibility of being associated with this paschal mystery” (Gaudium et Spes 22, 5), is also present and operative.

“The world in which we live, and which we are called to love and serve, even with its contradictions, demands that the Church strengthen cooperation in all areas of her mission. It is precisely this path of synodality which God expects of the Church of the third millennium” (Pope Francis, October 17, 2015).

We do not need to be afraid to respond to this call. Mary, Mother of the Church, the first on the journey, accompanies our pilgrimage. In joy and in sorrow, she shows us her Son and invites us to trust. And He, Jesus, is our only hope!

Vatican City, October 25, 2023

FAQs: Week 3 at the Synod

What happened at the Synod this week?
Delegates discussed Section B2 of the Instrumentum Laboris, the working document for the Synod and began section B3, which is the final part of the document.

What was the theme?
The B2 theme was Co-responsibility in Mission and discussions included how the church can properly value ordained ministry, the dignity of women and the raising of  awareness of the meaning of mission.

Bishop Brian McGee, left, with members of his group at the Synod on Wednesday.

What questions did delegates actually discuss in B2?

What questions are delegates currently discussing in B3?

Why have delegates been asked not to share the content of their talks?
Bishop Brian McGee, the delegate for Scotland, explained in a Facebook post: "The simple reason is because we have been asked only to communicate our experiences during the Synod but not what is actually being said. Why is this?

1. "To protect discernment. The Synod is not a Parliament where one group or another is trying to get its way. Rather we are trying to discern God’s Will. Therefore, we need a prayerful and reflective atmosphere where we are not caught up in external controversies.
2. "Fruitful Conversations in the Spirit depends on confidentiality. People will only share, and even (allow themselves to) be vulnerable, within a trusted environment. Confidentiality is not the same as secrecy.

"So I am happy to share my personal experiences so that you can feel engaged while, at the same time, protect the integrity of the Synod."

Some of the women delegates at the Synod.

What else happened this week?
The Holy Father invited Synod members to a prayer service for Migrants and Refugees last night (Thursday) in St Peter's Square.

What else has Bishop Brian McGee said about the Synod this past week?
He said that before he went to the Synod that he was "saddened" by predictions of discord at talks. " The Synod is not about personal (or communal) preferences or agendas but seeking the Spirit’s guidance, he posted of Facebook. " This has been my consistent desire, prayed for regularly each day. Interestingly I’m not the only person who thinks like that. The Church is of divine origin and God knows what the Church needs more than we do. Humility and listening are key for discernment."

The Holy Father enjoys a refreshment during a break in Synod discussions.

What happened in the first week?
See our Week 1 FAQs here.

What happened  in the second week?
See our Week 2 FAQs here.

What happens next?
The Commission will meet to draw up the summary report. The draft of the first part of this report is scheduled to be read at the general meeting on Monday. The draft of the second part will be read on Wednesday 25 October. At each stage, participants will be able to send their opinions to the General Secretariat. The final report will be read on Saturday 28 October and presented by the 364 members entitled to vote. The meeting will conclude with a closing mass on Sunday 29 October at 9am (UK) in St Peter’s Basilica.

Does that conclude the Synod?
No, a second General Assembly is scheduled for October 2024.

Where should I go for more news about the Synod
Vatican News has regular updates in a section of its website dedicated to the Synod here. An official Facebook page has been set up here. A Twitter account is here.

What other updates are there?
Vatican briefings are held most days 1:15pm. These are press conferences where media can ask questions about the Synod. Watch them live on Vatican Media's YouTube.

All images: Vatican Media.

FAQs: Week 2 at the Synod

What happened at the Synod this week?
Delegates have been discussing Section B1 of the Instrumentum Laboris, the working document for the Synod.

What was the theme?
The theme was "communion" and discussions included how the church might provide greater welcome to all of its members.

On Thursday groups finalised and submitted reports on section B1 of the Instrumentum Laboris. Image: 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops
What questions did delegates discuss?
The following questions are from Section B1 of the working document:

What else happened?
On Thursday, groups finalised and submitted their reports on Section B1 and then made a pilgrimage to the Catacombs of St Sebastian, following in the footsteps of Peter, Paul and the first martyrs.

What has Bishop Brian McGee said about the synod this past week?
He said: "One of the most uplifting elements of the Synod has been the quality of discussion in the Small Groups, principally because we are engaging the Spiritual Conversation method." He added: "I have been struck by the prayerful, respectful and open dialogue even during potentially contentious topics."

Bishop McGee, of Argyll & the Isles Diocese, is the Scottish representative at the Synod. He is posting updates on Facebook. See here.

Bishop Brian McGee (seated, centre) with members of his Synod group.

What happened in the first week?
See our Week 1 FAQs here.

What other updates are there?
Vatican briefings are held most days 1:15pm. These are press conferences where media can ask questions about the Synod. Watch them live on Vatican Media's YouTube.

Where else can I get info on the Synod?
An official Facebook page has been set up here. A Twitter account is here. See also Vatican News here, which has extensive coverage.

Do delegates get time off?
Sundays throughout October are days off, as well as Friday 27 October.

What happens next week?
From today (13 October) until 17 October, groups will focus on section B2 of the Instrumentum Laboris. The theme is 'Co-responsibility in Mission'.

What about the final report?
It will be finalised on 27 October 27 and presented to the 364 members entitled to vote. The meeting will conclude with a closing Mass on Sunday 29 October at 10am in St Peter’s Basilica.

SYNOD: Bishop McGee explains 'spiritual conversations'

How exactly are the discussions at the Synod in Rome organised?  

Here's a helpful update from Bishop Brian McGee (Argyll & the Isles), the Scottish delegate at the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops.

"Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, For myself one of the most uplifting elements of the Synod has been the quality of discussion in the Small Groups, principally because we are engaging the Spiritual Conversation method.  

Once allocated a topic we prepare in advance by personal prayer before writing a four minute presentation.  

I have been struck by the prayerful, respectful and open dialogue even during potentially contentious topics.

When the group meets, our sharing takes places over three phases which are each preceded by silent prayer.

Then the secretary and presenter draft a tentative statement (4 min) and, after discussion, adaptation and approval it is read to the General Assembly.

After every Group’s statement is read out, free interventions (3 min) from across the Assembly are permitted. After every four interventions there is a 3 min pause for silent prayer.

Finally, the Small Groups discuss what they have heard from across the Assembly and decide if they wish to accordingly adapt their own statement. This usually happens.

The point is not to necessarily reach complete consensus but rather to agree what the significant points were, even if they are divergent.

The final document cannot be longer than two pages and once complete is then submitted to the theologians for synthesis with those from the other Small Groups with the same topic.

It seems complicated but the facilitators keep us right. I have been struck by the prayerful, respectful and open dialogue even during potentially contentious topics. Something to try in our parishes, dioceses and Conference?"

Follow Bishop Brian's updates on the Facebook page of the Diocese of Argyll & the Isles. Title image: Vatican News.