Funding for teachers in the Archdiocese

The Archdiocese has funding available for four teachers to study the Additional Teaching Qualification in Religious Education at Glasgow University.

Margaret Barton, our Religious Education Advisor for High Schools, said: "The Archdiocese wants to support those teachers who want to teach Religious Education in their school.

"By doing so they can increase their knowledge of the Catholic faith and share it with pupils to strengthen and encourage their love of God.”

To apply for the subsidy please email for an application form. Find out more about the course here.

FEEDBACK: Encouraging teachers to share the Faith

Helping children develop a love and knowledge of Jesus Christ and His Church is a key role of our Catholic schools.

The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh is helping teachers do that by offering financial support to study for the Catholic Teachers Certificate (CTC).

This year, we have awarded 20 teachers a subsidy to study the CTC at Glasgow University.

What is the Catholic Teachers Certificate?

It is the qualification required for those eligible and wishing to teach Religious Education in Catholic primary schools or in Catholic secondary schools as a 'generalist' RE teacher.  Working in partnership with the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, the University of Glasgow is responsible for this award. Find out more here.

Margaret Barton, Archdiocesan Religious Education Advisor to High Schools, said: "Having the CTC is of great benefit to a teacher as it enables them to teach Religious Education lessons and prepare children for receiving the Sacraments.

"We're pleased to support 20 teachers again this year and its been great to have such positive feedback from teachers.


We asked teachers based in our Archdiocese who have just completed the CTC to give us their feedback, below.


I enjoyed studying the CTC because it has helped to develop my professional practice and enhanced my own understanding of my faith. It has allowed me to develop the knowledge and skills required to effectively teach the RE programme.

- Rebecca Stanford

The CTC course allowed me to build a closer relationship with the pupils on their faith journey whilst making the sacraments.

- Cameron Kildae, St Joseph's Primary, Whitburn

Through the course I made new friendships. We talked about our faith, our experiences, our jobs and and supported each other through the coursework.  Although a practicing Catholic, the course really made me think more deeply about my faith and gave me a better understanding of things that I was a bit unsure of before.

- Stacy Corrigan

It has developed my knowledge and understanding in order to lead our Faith within a Catholic primary school and has strengthened my own belief.

- Cheryl Evans

I enjoyed studying for the CTC because of the range of experiences it has afforded me, including in-person days to grow in community and personal reflections upon my own faith journey. I found the course tutors to be supportive and approachable.

- Lucy Walker

It was great being able to get together with other Catholic teachers and discuss our roles, ideas, and share our experiences.  I now have a better understanding of the This is our Faith resource and how it should be used across the school to ensure progression and depth for our learners.

- Louise McCauley


VACANCY: Adviser in Religious Education (primary schools)

Can you promote the Catholic ethos of our schools and help strengthen teaching standards across the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh?

We are recruiting an Adviser in Religious Education (primary schools). While the post is full-time, applicants looking for part-time or flexible working patterns are also encouraged to apply.


£45,000- £50,000, depending on experience

The Role

The RE Primary Adviser provides support, advice and development opportunities for staff within Catholic schools to enhance the delivery and quality of Religious Education across the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh. The postholder is responsible for curriculum development of Religious Education in Catholic Schools and for developing and facilitating regular CLPL opportunities. The postholder also contributes to national and Diocesan developments in co-operation with the Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES).


You must be a qualified and experienced primary school teacher holding a Catholic Teacher’s Certificate.  You must also have an excellent working knowledge of the Curriculum for Excellence in RERC and a proven track record in developing curriculum resources. You must be able to develop and provide CPD opportunities and website resources, be an effective team player who can work in schools and at national level and also be committed to working within and supporting the values and ideals of the Archdiocese.


The role is based at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh EH9 1BB and may require some travel. Hybrid working will be considered.

To Apply

Applicants should submit a CV with a covering letter outlining their interest and suitability for the role to Closing date for applications: 5pm on 18 February 2022. Informal enquiries can be emailed to Morag Hendry at

Read the full job description here or at

Vacancy: Adviser in Religious Education (part-time)

Can you promote the Catholic ethos of our schools and help strengthen teaching standards across the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh?

We are recruiting an Adviser in Religious Education (secondary schools, part-time, two days a week).

You will provide support, advice and development opportunities for staff within Catholic schools to enhance the delivery and quality of Religious Education. You must be a qualified secondary school teacher holding a Catholic Teacher’s Certificate with at least five years’ experience and educated to degree/masters level.

You will have an excellent working knowledge of Curriculum for Excellence in RERC and a proven track record in developing curriculum resources. You must be able to develop and provide CLPL opportunities and website resources, be an effective team player who can work in schools and at national level and also be committed to working within and supporting the values and ideals of the Archdiocese.

Applicants should submit a CV with a covering letter outlining their suitability for the role to  The closing date for applications is 5pm on 11th November and interviews will be held on 26th November 2019.  The role is based at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. Salary negotiable, depending on experience.

Informal enquiries can be emailed to: 

Read the full job description at

Enthusiastic group on the road to teaching the faith

More pupils will benefit from learning the faith as a group of teachers earn their Catholic Teaching Certificate.

They attended the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh for the ‘Setting Out on the Road’ course, delivered by The St Andrew’s Foundation at the University of Glasgow.

The Foundation is responsible for Catholic Teacher Education in Scotland and its courses develop and promote Catholic teaching in schools across the country. Dr Roisín Coll, Director of the Foundation, said: "We are delighted to be teaching this course here in Edinburgh and continuing our work to ensure that there are appropriately qualified teachers for our schools. The hospitality and support from the Archdiocese has been wonderful."

Eileen Rafferty, RE advisor for Schools in the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, said: “This is the first time the Catholic Teaching Certificate via the Setting Out on the Road course has been delivered in Edinburgh.

“It equips those taking part to teach and explain the Catholic faith. We now look forward to a continuation of this fruitful partnership in years to come.”

Megan McGhee, a teacher at St Andrew’s Primary in Dundee, agreed, saying: “Children can often come up with bizarre questions, so today we’ve been learning about the Word of God and how to portray and explain this to them."

Paul Flanigan, a teacher at St Parick’s Primary in Denny, agreed saying: “The questions can also be quite deep so it’s important to be equipped with an understanding to give the right answers.”

Ellen McBride, Honorary Teaching Fellow of the University of Glasgow, said: “This group are enthusiastic and willing to learn. We need people like that - who know their faith and who are confident and willing to share it.”

Newly qualified teachers get together at Gillis

Newly qualified teachers at Catholic schools across the Archdiocese have been encouraged to be ‘ambassadors of Christ’.

They got together at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh for a day of tips and guidance before Mass in St Margaret’s Chapel, celebrated by Archbishop Cushley.

He said: “It’s always a pleasure to welcome the newly graduated teachers who are going to work in our Catholic schools.

“It’s a chance to get to know them, to pray with them and help finalise their preparations for going out as ambassadors because, as far as we’re concerned, the most important thing they will do is be ambassadors for Christ.

“We look forward to supporting them in this important mission.”

The day was organised by Eileen Rafferty, RE advisor for schools, who said: “We looked at the Charter for Catholic Schools and the implications for their daily practice.

“It was important to highlight that the way we conduct ourselves and the example we set can be as important and influential to children and fellow staff as what we actually teach.

“The teachers gave positive feedback, saying the day helped enhanced their skills and increase their confidence and that’s what we in the St Andrews and Edinburgh Archdiocese strive to do.”

We asked some of the new teachers what they most look forward to in their teaching vocation.