A voice for the unborn in Edinburgh

Thanks to everyone who attended the annual Pro-Life Chain in Lothian Road, Edinburgh, on Saturday.

The event is organised by The Society for Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) and it saw around 200 people gather as a peaceful witness to the lives of the unborn who are killed by abortion.

SPUC posted on Facebook: "A huge thank you to all pro-lifers who stood in defence of life yesterday at SPUC’s Edinburgh pro-life chain.

"Over 200 people attended the pro-life chain, as a powerful act of witness to remember the lives lost and hurt by abortion in the UK.

"The courage of our pro-life community is truly inspiring and together we will make abortion unthinkable!"

The day began with recitation of The Rosary at Sacred Heart Church in nearby Lauriston Street, led by Fr Gerard Hatton (St Patrick's Church in The Cowgate) and joined by the Marian Franciscans, who travelled from Dundee for the event.

Paul Atkin, from the Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office said: "The Pro-Life Chain reminds us of the infinite dignity of every human person from the first moment of their conception.

"The Church is committed to protecting the weakest and most vulnerable people in society who are created in the image and likeness of God.

"In Scotland today, unborn children and their mothers are the most threatened members of society when even their right to life is taken away.

"It was great to see so many Catholics from all over Scotland supporting this peaceful witness to the goodness of life."

To find out more about the work of SPUC, visit https://www.spuc.org.uk/. Find out more about pro-life work in the Archdiocese by contacting prolife@staned.org.uk