Called to be Saints (Youth Day)

WHAT: A day of inspiration, friendship and prayer for S1-S4 pupils that asks the question 'what does it to be a saint in the modern world?' This will give our young people the opportunity to explore different vocations, discuss the personal call God has for them, and celebrate Holy Mass with the Archbishop. Includes talks from Judith Ralston, television presenter and Sr Catherine Farrelly, from the Sisters of the Gospel of Life. Register your child for this FREE event here.

WHEN: Called to be Saints takes place on Saturday 23 of March (the day before Palm Sunday) from 12noon, finishing by 4:00pm.

WHERE: The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. Free parking onsite.

WHO: This event is open to all secondary children S1 - S4.

HOSTS: This Archdicoesan event is led by Fr Robert Taylor (St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh) and Fr Martin Eckersley (St Francis Xavier's, Falkirk).

WHAT ELSE: We will have plenty of nibbles to keep the young people fuelled, but please sensure they bring a packed lunch. Suitable outdoor clothing should also be brought as we plan to have a Palm Sunday procession (weather permitting). If your child requires any medication, please let us know in the consent form that you will find in the registration form, and ensure that medicines are packed and clearly labelled.

QUESTIONS? Contact Fr Robert Taylor at 

This is going to be a great day and we can't wait to gather our young people together. Spaces are limited so send your forms back ASAP to secure your place! Don't forget to register here.

Yours in Christ,

Fr Robert Taylor & Fr Martin Eckersley

GALLERY: Faith and fun at our youth day!

Children enjoyed a fun and faith-filled day at our youth event at The Gillis Centre in Edinburgh on Saturday.

Thanks to all the children and parents who came along and to Fr Martin Eckersley, Fr Robert Taylor, Fr Jamie McMorrin, Sr Miriam Fidelis, Sr Paul Miriam and Archbishop Cushley for joining the fun!

Archdiocesan Youth Day!

A day of faith and fun for p4-7s on Saturday 25 November.

Join us as we unpack Jesus the King of the Universe and explore how we can prepare to meet our King this Christmas.

Games, talks, sweets, confessions, Mass and more! 10:30am to 3:30pm at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. Speak to your parish priest to register.

Here is the consent form for parents (Word document) to give to the parish priest.

Question? Contact you parish priest or email Fr Martin Eckersley at