Students visit Edinburgh for holy relic of St Margaret

Archbishop Cushley welcomed students from the Catholic Society of St Andrews University today (Thursday 2 October) to collect a holy relic of St Margaret.

They visited St Margaret's Chapel at the Gillis Centre, Edinburgh, with university chaplain Fr Michael John Galbraith.

Students venerate the relic of St Margaret with Fr Michael John Galbraith.

He said: "When I heard the relics were available, I jumped at the chance because our Canmore Chaplaincy is dedictated to St Margaret.

"The students here today are very involved in life at the chaplaincy and very devout in their own faith - they are delighted to visit Edinburgh and receive the relic of St Margaret, which will be displayed for veneration at the Canmore chaplaincy at the university."

Archbishop Cushley told students about the background of the relics of St Margaret.

Maria Alexandra Vlachogiani, a third year Maths student, said: "A lot of Christians find their home at the chaplaincy in St Andrews and Fr Michael John is always there to support us."

The Archdiocese was approached by parishes dedicated to St Margaret after the relic fragmented while being removed from its reliquary at St Margaret's Church in Dunfermline in 2019.

The monstrance holding the relic of St Margaret and the official certificate confirming its authenticity.

That meant smaller relics were made available and parishes from Scotland and further afield (including Chile) petitioned the Archdiocese to entrust a relic for veneration by the faithful there. The smaller relics are from the scapular bone of the Saint.

The students in the main picture are Ella Balet, Blake Boehne, Veronica Harris, Christopher Levesque, Jovana Joseph, Matthew Matisz, Hannah Menezes, Jarrett Miller and Maria Alexandra Vlachogiani.

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