Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes

Our annual summer Pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place from Friday 11 July to Friday 18 July 2025.​​​​​​​ The theme is With Mary, Pilgrims of Hope and everyone is welcome.

If you would like to a attend as a helper or a youth helper please visit

Conversations in the Spirit

Fr Matthew Nunes from the Archdiocese of Liverpool will speak on the theme Conversations in the Spirit: How to Lead & Participate.

Fr Nunes runs a School of Synodality in the Liverpool Archdiocese and has a wealth of experience and insights to share.

We will discuss the practical steps of being synodal in your parish with speaker input and workshops and a chance to have your say.

We invite you to join us for Holy Mass at 10:00am (optional), followed by tea and coffee in the Islay Hall  where the event begins officially at 11:00am

Who is this event for?

"We welcome all parishioners in the Archdiocese, along with clergy to this event. We especially invite members of parish councils to attend." - Fr John Deighan, Archdiocesan Synod Team.


Click here to register


10:00am: Holy Mass in St Margaret's Chapel (optional).

10:30am: Tea/Coffee.


11:00am: Session 1: How to do Conversations in the Spirit.

11:30am: First Conversation and Feedback.


12:30pm: Lunch (please bring a packed lunch. Local cafes/shops available).


1:15pm: Session 2: conversation in the spirit and the theology of synodality.

1:45pm: Second conversation and Feedback.

2:45pm: Evaluation, future plans, close.


Free parking onsite. Come early to secure your place and follow the directions of the stewards. Postcode for Sat-Nav EH9 1BB.

Bus: Edinburgh's Number 5 bus stops directly outside the The Gillis Centre.

Train: The closest station is Haymarket, which is a 15-20 minute walk to The Gillis Centre.

Conversations in the Spirit  takes place at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB.  It is organised by the Synod team of the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, led  by Fr John Deighan of Ss John Cantius & Nicholas in Broxburn. Register here.

Mass for the Solemnity of St Andrew

On Saturday 30 November Archbishop Cushley will celebrate the feast day of St Andrew at St Mary's Cathedral at midday.

The relics of our National Patron are preserved in the National Shrine of St Andrew at the Cathedral and they are available for public veneration after Mass (confession also available).

It was Andrew who, famously, brought St Peter to Jesus – this feast day is your opportunity in a special way – to go to Jesus, through Andrew.

Nativity Blessing & Carol Concert

Archbishop Cushley will bless the Nativity Scene at Mound Place, Edinburgh, at  3:00pm.


2:00pm - Nativity Gathering, General Assembly Hall Courtyard, Mound Place, EH1 2LU (invited guests & church groups)

2:30pm - Nativity Service, General Assembly Hall Courtyard, readings & carols

3:00pm - Nativity Scene Blessing, Mound Place

3:30pm - Nativity Carol Concert, Ross Bandstand, Princes Street Gardens

This event is part of Edinburgh City Council's Christmas programme and is ecumenical and open to all. Free event - no registration is required.

Holy Mass for All Souls'

Archbishop Cushley will offer Holy Mass for the repose of all the faithful departed who have died in the Archdiocese in the last year, especially those buried at Mount Vernon Cemetery, 49 Mount Vernon Rd, Edinburgh, EH16 6JG.

This will take place on All Souls’ Day, Saturday 2 November, at 10:00am in the Cemetery Chapel.



Romero and Ukraine - Resilience in the Face of Injustice

Take part in a thought-provoking evening at Edinburgh’s Jesuit Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, where a relic of Saint Oscar Romero is safely held.

Together, by celebrating his work, beliefs, and courage, we can keep his legacy alive.

Archbishop St Oscar Romero, the outspoken advocate for justice and non-violence in his native El Salvador, has long inspired Christians around the whole world.

On March 24, 1980, he was murdered - shot by an assassin while celebrating Mass, the day after he had appealed to the state’s military to stop their brutal repression of the poor.

This Romero Lecture is hosted by Edinburgh Jesuit Church, SCIAF, Justice and Peace Scotland, Pax Christi, The Romero Trust, and Independent Catholic News.

Bishop Kenneth Nowakowski, of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, will invite us to consider 'Romero and Ukraine: Reslience in the Face of Injustice'.

Refreshments will be served afterwards. All welcome!

The event is free but all attendees must book in advance here.

The Language of the Church - talk series

The final talk in the series organised by the Young Adults Group of St Mary's Cathedral in Edinburgh.

Begins 7:30pm at St Mary’s Cathedral house, 63 York Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3JD.

Bishop Hugh Gilbert OSB (Aberdeen Diocese) will speak about ‘Eucharist: The source &  summit of the Christian life’.

Concludes with Confessions/Night Prayer and refreshments. For more information contact


The Language of the Church - talk series

Talk series organised by the Young Adults Group of St Mary's Cathedral in Edinburgh.

All talks 7:30pm at St Mary’s Cathedral house, 63 York Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3JD.

Concludes with Confessions/Night Prayer and refreshments. For more information contact


Tuesday 19th November
‘Jesus Christ: True Lamb’
Fr Michael John Galbraith (St Mary's, Bathgate)

Tuesday 26th November
‘Eucharist: The source &  summit of the Christian life’
Bishop Hugh Gilbert OSB (Aberdeen Diocese)

The Language of the Church - talk series

Talk series organised by the Young Adults Group of St Mary's Cathedral in Edinburgh.

All talks 7:30pm at St Mary’s Cathedral house, 63 York Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3JD.

Concludes with Confessions/Night Prayer and refreshments. For more information contact


Tuesday 12th November
‘Economy of salvation’
Fr Matthew Carlin (St Aidan’s, Johnstone)

Tuesday 19th November
‘Jesus Christ: True Lamb’
Fr Michael John Galbraith (St Mary's, Bathgate)

Tuesday 26th November
‘Eucharist: The source &  summit of the Christian life’
Bishop Hugh Gilbert OSB (Aberdeen Diocese)

The Language of the Church - talk series

Talk series organised by the Young Adults Group of St Mary's Cathedral in Edinburgh.

All talks 7:30pm at St Mary’s Cathedral house, 63 York Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3JD.

Concludes with Confessions/Night Prayer and refreshments. For more information contact


Tuesday 5th November
‘Be with Him in His Resurrection’
Fr Ninian Doohan (St Patrick's Edinburgh)

Tuesday 12th November
‘Economy of salvation’
Fr Matthew Carlin (St Aidan’s, Johnstone)

Tuesday 19th November
‘Jesus Christ: True Lamb’
Fr Michael John Galbraith (St Mary's, Bathgate)

Tuesday 26th November
‘Eucharist: The source &  summit of the Christian life’
Bishop Hugh Gilbert OSB (Aberdeen Diocese)