Altar boys and girls can look forward to games and activities at a free annual training event this month.

Servers from across the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh are being invited to the Altar Servers’ Day at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh.

Fr Daniel Doherty, who is organising the event, said: “Altar servers play an important role in parishes and are valued by priests and church communities for their role at Mass.

“This is a chance for the Archdiocese to say thanks while giving them some extra training in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.”

Servers should bring a packed lunch, comfortable clothes and the robes they normally wear at Mass. Parishes are responsible for completing parental consent forms, available from parish priests.

The day will conclude with Mass, during which Archbishop Leo Cushley will present medals for those participating in the Guild of St Cuthbert.

To sign up, search ‘Altar Servers Day’ at or call 0131 623 8900.

Day for Altar Servers, Saturday 21st September, 10:30am-3pm, Gillis Centre, 10 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh.