Here's the Children's Liturgy at Home guide for the second Sunday in Advent.

  • 06 December 2020, 2nd Sunday of Advent, Year B. Click here to view.

What does Advent mean? It means “coming”. We are preparing for the birth of the baby Jesus on Christmas Day.

Advent wreath

  • Why not prepare an Advent wreath to be used at Children’s Liturgy? If you are not able to do this, then make a picture of an Advent wreath, by cutting out leaf shapes from green card and arranging them in a circle and sticking them to a sheet of card.
  • Next draw and cut out four candles, three purple and one rose pink candle and stick these (one each week) onto the picture of the
  • Each week of Advent we will describe the wreath anddiscuss its meaning. If you have a real wreath, light a candle each week. (If you have a picture stick a new picture of a candle on each week).

Explaining the wreath
As part of your weekly introduction during Advent ask the children to look at the wreath and explain or remind them of what it

  • Firstly, the wreath is circular to symbolize that God’s love for us has no end. It is everlasting.
  • The leaves of the wreath are GREEN, the colour that represents hope.
  • There are four candles (three purple – repentance, and one rose pink – a symbol of joy for the third Sunday of Advent known as
    Gaudete Sunday).
  • The bright light of each candle represents Jesus the “light” of the world. We explain that we will light a candle on the wreath each Sunday in Advent.

As we light the first candle, we pray to Jesus asking Him to come into our hearts, that we may know and love Him and following His gentle example, become more like Him, that we may bring His “light” to the people in our lives.