Here's the Children's Liturgy at home guide for this Sunday.
- 12 July 2020, 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A. Click here to view.
Discussing the Gospel
In this week's gospel Jesus tells the parable of the sower. If possible, get a pot, soil and some quick growing seeds like beans or sunflowers ready to plant.
Plant the seed and encourage the children to think about their hearts being open to God’s word as they nurture the seed to grow. If you don’t plant a seed, remind the children as they watch flowers blooming and trees growing and getting greener, they can think about their hearts being open and following God’s word.
Another idea is to have the children pretend to be a seed and grow. Ask them to kneel down as small as the possible on the ground and then stand up and stretch up as high as they can thinking about their hearts being open to God’s word as they grow tall in his love.