Archbishop Leo Cushley has announced the following clergy appointments.

Effective immediately:

The Reverend Martin ECKERSLEY to become Assistant Priest at St Mary’s, Stirling.

Effective 1 July 2024:

The Reverend Edward WANAT SDS to retire;

The Reverend Jinesh MATHEW to become Administrator of St Mary’s, Haddington, & St Gabriel’s, Prestonpans;

The Very Reverend Scott DEELEY VE to step down as Chancellor;

The Reverend Robert TAYLOR is appointed Chancellor;

The Right Reverend Monsignor Patrick Canon BURKE VG to step down as Chair of the Trustees of the Archdiocese;

The Very Reverend Scott DEELEY VE is appointed Chair of the Trustees of the Archdiocese;

The Right Reverend Monsignor Patrick Canon BURKE VG to step down as Moderator of the Curia and;

The Very Reverend Jeremy MILNE VE is appointed Moderator of the Curia.

Effective 6 September 2024:

The Right Reverend Monsignor Allan Canon CHAMBERS VG to become Administrator of St Francis Xavier’s, Falkirk;

The Reverend Peter SHANKLAND to become Assistant Priest at St Francis Xavier’s, Falkirk;

The Reverend Michael John GALBRAITH to become Parish Priest of The Immaculate Conception (St Mary’s), Bathgate;

The Right Reverend Monsignor Patrick Canon BURKE VG to become Parish Priest of St James’s, St Andrews, and Chaplain to St Andrews University Catholics;

The Very Reverend Jeremy MILNE VE to become Administrator of St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh;

The Right Reverend Monsignor Patrick Canon BURKE VG to step down as Vicar General;

The Very Reverend Jeremy MILNE VE is appointed Vicar General;

The Very Reverend Jamie McMORRIN to become Adminstrator of SS. John the Baptist & Kentigern’s, West Edinburgh, in addition to St Margaret’s, Davidsons Mains;

The Reverend Paul HENDERSON to become Assistant Priest at St Margaret’s, Davidsons Mains, and SS. John the Baptist & Kentigern’s, Edinburgh;

The Reverend John McINNES to retire;

The Reverend Ajeesh GEORGE CST to become Administrator of St Bernadette’s, Larbert;

The Very Reverend Ryszard Canon HOLUKA to retire;

The Reverend Matthew NGYIE to become Administrator of St Joseph’s, Bonnybridge;

The Reverend Joshua KAURAS to become Assistant Priest at St Francis Xavier’s, Falkirk;

The Reverend Emmanuel CHORBE to become Assistant Priest at SS. Mary & David’s, Hawick;

The Reverend Jacob KABAMBA KABAMBA to become Administrator of St Margaret’s, South Queensferry, and;

The Reverend Alexander LONGS OSA to become Administrator of St Kessog’s, Blanefield.

Also effective 6 September 2024

The Reverend Andrew GARDEN to step down as Vocations Director;

The Right Reverend Monsignor Patrick Canon BURKE VG to become Vocations Director with Sr Mirjam HUGENS FSO;

The Reverend William McQUILLAN and the Reverend Robert TAYLOR to become Assistant Vocations Directors;

The Very Reverend Jeremy MILNE VE to step down as Vicar Episcopal for Marriage & Families;

The Reverend Benedict IWATT to become Vicar Episcopal for Marriage & Families;

Sr Miriam Ruth RYAN RSM to become Archdiocesan Director of Catechetics and Chair of the Catechetics Commission.

Archbishop Cushley thanks all those involved in these moves for their faithful service to God and to the people of the Archdiocese.