As more Covid restrictions are lifted in Scotland on 21 March, parishes are asked to continue to observe the legal requirement to wear face coverings (except where existing exemptions apply), writes the Bishops' Conference of Scotland.

In addition, parishes are asked to observe the following principles:

  • Please respect the space of fellow parishioners where possible.
  • Hands should be sanitised on entering and exiting the Church .
  • Continue to ensure good ventilation.

The Bishops thank all parishes, priests and volunteers for all their efforts during the past two years and encourage all Catholics to return with confidence to our celebration of Holy Mass and the Sacraments, the source and summit of our faith.


  • What about cleaning? Should parishes maintain the rigorous cleaning regimes adopted during the pandemic to date?
    • Cleaning regimes may revert to pre-pandemic levels of cleaning.
  • What about the sign of peace?
    • The sign of peace may be reintroduced but it should be made clear that some people may not be willing to have physical contact at this time. In which case a bow would be appropriate.
  • Can we use confessionals again?
    • This is not advised given the lack of ventilation.
  • Can feet be washed during the Mass of the Lord’s Supper?
    • Yes.