We've compiled some key dates to help you plan the year ahead. These dates are also available as in image format. Click for PNG (best for social media/websites) and for PDF (for printing).
Holy Days of Obligation
Thursday 9 May
Ascension Day
Sunday 30 June
St Peter & St Paul
Thursday 15 August
The Assumption
Friday 1 November
All Saints
Wednesday 25 December
Christmas Day
Ordinary Weeks of the Year
Before Lent, weeks 1-6
After Pentecost, weeks 7-34
Begins on Ash Wednesday 14 February and is a day of fasting and abstinence. It continues until Holy Thursday on 28 March. Good Friday is on 29 March and is also a day of fasting and abstinence.
Easter Sunday
31 March.
Diocesan Calendar
Thursday 18 April
Dedication of the Cathedral (Feast)
Sunday 1 September
St Giles, Abbot (Memorial)
Wednesday 4 September
St Cuthbert, Bishop (Memorial)
Special Collections
Sunday 10 March
Papal & Episcopal charities (inc. SCIAF)
Sunday 21 April
Ecclesiastical Students’ Fund
Sunday 12 May
Apostolate of Communications
Sunday 16 June
Apostolate of Life
Sunday 30 June
Peter’s Pence
Sunday 20 October
Sunday 24 November
Scot Catholic Education Service
Calendar Proper to Scotland
Thursday 13 January
St Kentigern (Mungo) Bishop (Feast)
Sunday 10 March
St John Ogilvie, Priest and Martyr (Feast)
Sunday 17 March
St Patrick (Feast)
Sunday 9 June
St Columba, Abbot (Feast)
Monday 16 September
St Ninian, Bishop (Feast)
Friday 8 November
Blessed John Duns Scotus (Feast)
Saturday 16 November
St Margaret of Scotland, Secondary Patron (Memorial)
Saturday 30 November
St Andrew, Patron (Solemnity)
The Second Session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops takes place in Rome.
Other Key Dates*
Sunday 7 January
Day of Prayer for Justice & Peace
Thursday 18 January
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Sunday 21 January
Sunday of the Word of God
Friday 2 February
World Day of Consecrated Life
Sunday 11 February
World Day of the Sick
Friday 16 February
Day of Prayer for those who have suffered abuse
Sunday 7 April
Divine Mercy Sunday
Sunday 21 April
World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Sunday 12 May
World Communications Day
*to June 2024
Information from the Liturgical Calendar for Scotland 2023-24, Burns Publications.