The Romero Lecture and Mass takes place on Friday 14 October at Sacred Heart Parish in Lauriston, Edinburgh.

Archbishop Cushley will introduce Fr Martin Maier to give an insight into the life and work of Saint Óscar Romero.

It will be preceded by Holy Mass celebrated by Archbishop Bill Nolan of the Archdiocese of Glasgow, who is lead Bishop for Justice & Peace and the National Justice & Peace Commission. Register here.

The event is the first in a series of SCIAF Lectures on the issues and topics at the heart of its work. It features experts and faith leaders from around the world to talk about the subjects that matter to them.

About Oscar Romero

Saint Óscar Romero was a 20th century Latin American Archbishop who stood up for the poor and marginalized people of El Salvador.

In this lecture, you will hear how the assassination of Romero’s great friend Blessed Rutillio Grande motivated Romero’s work to speak out against the injustices facing the poor of El Salvador – work that would ultimately lead to his own assassination in 1980.

Fr Adrian Porter SJ, parish priest at Sacred Heart, Fr David Stewart SJ and Archbishop Leo Cushley following a thanksgiving Mass in January.

Earlier this year Archbishop Cushley celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving to mark the news that Rutilio Grande SJ was to be beatified.

Fittingly, this lecture will be held on the anniversary of the canonisation of St Romero.

The Sacred Heart hosts a shrine to both Saint Óscar Romero and Blessed Rutilio Grande, including relics of each.

Romero Lecture and Mass, 6-8pm, Friday 14 October, Sacred Heart Church (Edinburgh Jesuit Centre), 28 Lauriston Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9DJ. This event will be livestreamed - please register for the event to receive all details.