The Schola Cantorum of St Mary's Cathedral is on tour this Advent!

The choir will perform three special concerts by candlelight, delivering beautiful festive choral music at the following churches:

  • FALKIRK St Francis Xavier's Church, Wednesday 7 December, 8pm.
  • KILSYTH St Patrick's Church, Saturday 10 December, 8pm.
  • DUNFERMLINE St Margaret's RC Church, Friday 16 December, 8pm.

Michael Ferguson, musical director of the Schola Cantorum, said: “These candlelit concerts will be peaceful and uplifting – an opportunity to escape the Christmas frenzy and enjoy some wonderful, atmospheric music from these special singers. All are welcome.”

Tickets: £5 standard or £10 family, available on the door or from Eventbrite


The Schola Cantorum is unique in the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh, and is one of the few in the Catholic Church in Scotland existing principally to sing the repertoire of the historical treasury of sacred music to the highest possible standards in cathedral worship.

The ensemble not only embodies excellence in choral singing, but also a commitment to sharing the musical fruits of two millennia of Christian worship with the Catholic community and beyond.

The octet’s debut album, With Angels and Archangels, is out now.