'Love them both' was the message at the annual pro-life chain in Lothian Road in Edinburgh on Saturday.
The annual event is organised by the Society for Protection of Unborn Life (SPUC Scotland) to mark the passing of the Abortion Act coming into force in April 1968.
Pro-life chains are designed to be a silent yet powerful witness to the sanctity of human life. They help to raise awareness of the great evil of abortion as well as the harm it causes to mothers, fathers and society in general.
On the morning of the event Archbishop Leo Cushley led a Rosary at Sacred Heart Church, Lauriston, to pray for the inborn, their mothers and all pro-life intentions.
Paul Atkin, of the Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office, said: "The event went very well and we enjoyed bright sunshine to witness to thousands of people with the pro-life message that the solution is to 'Love Them Both'.
"People had come from as far as Glasgow, Croy and Dundee but the winner was gentleman who had just flown in from Germany to see a pro-life friend who invited him along!"