People gathered at St Margaret's Chapel at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh yesterday (Sunday 12 March) to join Archbishop Cushley in Eucharistic Adoration.

It was the fourth and final Holy Hour in which the Archbishop invited people to join him to "pray for insight, courage, and joy in our mission as His followers", as a response to the Synod.

In his introduction to the Archdiocesan Synod Report, he said: "I am convinced that prayer must be the core of our response.

"Arising from the synodal process in this Archdiocese, there is, I believe, a real need to deepen the prayer life, the spirituality, and discernment of every individual in this Archdiocese.

"Together let us ask the Lord to bless our endeavours and raise up committed disciples in this Archdiocese."

Our Synod playlist is here.