If you are preparing to be married in a Catholic Church, we're here to help! Here are the dates for our marriage preparation courses:

Friday/Saturday 26th/27th SOLD OUT
Friday/Saturday 26th/27th
Friday/Saturday 23rd/24th
Friday/Saturday 21st/22nd

The course will take place over a Friday evening (7.00pm–9.00pm) and Saturday (10.30am–3.30pm).

The Friday evening session takes place online and the Saturday session either online or at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh depending on Covid guidelines at the time. This will be confirmed to you by email after you have registered and nearer the time.

To register for one of the courses please complete the application form and return to irene.furlong@staned.org.uk (0131 623 8900).

The course

A marriage preparation course is a requirement for those wishing to be married in the Catholic Church. This course seeks to lead couples to a greater understanding of God’s plan for marriage and his call to live this beautiful vocation as fully, freely and fruitfully as possible.

Couples are invited also to reflect on some important aspects of growing and sustaining their relationship including sacraments, prayer, good communication and managing conflict. It also presents the Marriage Rite, emphasising the importance and significance of the vows made in the church, before God, family and friends.

The sessions are led by Fr Jeremy Milne, Vicar Episcopal for Marriage & Families, and presented by clergy and married couples.

If you have any issues, please contact Fr Jeremy Milne on 0131 334 1693 or vemarriage@staned.org.uk