Congratulations to Gerard Holden and Matthew McCafferty, who were instituted as candidates for Holy Orders by Archbishop Leo in Rome on Sunday.

They are both seminarians of the Archdiocese studying at the Pontifical Scots College and this is a first step in the journey to priesthood.

The Admission to Candidacy involves the candidates publicly expressing their intention to receive ordination into the diaconate and priesthood.

If the candidates continue their studies, they will first be ordained to the diaconate before progressing to the priesthood.

Pictured above, from left: Fr Nick Welsh, vice rector of The Pontifical Scots College and priest of the Archdiocese; Gerard Holden, seminarian; Archbishop Leo Cushley; Matthew McCafferty, seminarian; Fr Josh Moir, priest of the Archdiocese.

Headline image, from left: Kieran Burt, Motherwell Diocese; Christopher Furmage, Motherwell Diocese; Gerard Holden, Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh; Michael Kearns, Archdiocese of Glasgow; Paul Laverty, Diocese of Paisley; Aidan Matheson, RC Diocese of Aberdeen; Matthew McCafferty, Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh.

If you want to explore the priesthood or religious life, have a chat with our vocations director Father Andrew Garden on 0131 663 4286 | or Sister Mirjam Hugens, director for Religious Vocations, on 0131 623 8902 |