Graduates gathered at The Gillis Centre in Edinburgh yesterday to receive their awards for completing the MA in Applied Catholic Theology.
- Fr Matthew Carlin
- Miriam McKernan
- Darlene Newman
- Nancy-May Reville
- Luca Varbiro-McQuillan
The graduation ceremony took place in St Margaret's Chapel and was attended by senior staff from St Mary's University, Twicknham, which runs the two-year course in partnership with the Archdiocese, along with Archbishop Leo Cushley.

Anthony McClaran, vice chancellor or St Mary's told graduates: "Your graduation represents the culmination of the many years of study and dedication that have led to your academic achievement recognised today.
"As you graduate today and join the wider community beyond St Mary's, we hope that you will continue to embody St Mary's values of Inclusiveness, Generosity of Spirit, Respect, and Excellence.
"I offer my most sincere congratulations to everyone graduating today."
Congratulations to graduates of the MA in Applied Catholic Theology, run by @YourStMarys in partnership with @archedinburgh. We enjoyed a lovely graduation ceremony at The Gillis Centre yesterday. Thanks to Anthony McClaran and all the team at St Mary's for making it happen.
— Archbishop Leo Cushley (@leocushley) July 4, 2024
Support your professional, academic and faith development with the MA in Applied Catholic Theology from St Mary's University. The course begins in October at the Edinburgh Campus. Visit for details (SAAS funding available for Scottish students).