Priest School aired on the BBC Scotland channel last night giving viewers access to life as a seminarian at the Pontifical Scots College in Rome.
Deacon Ryan Black, who features on the programme, said: "It drew an audience of 80,000 people and an 8% share on BBC Scotland on Sunday night – the highest audience for any digital channel in Scotland."
The programme featured interviews with two of our seminarians, Bobby Taylor and Martin Eckersley, who gave an insight into the challenges of studying in Rome for seven years as well as the many positive aspects of community life.
We've put together a highlights reel of the programme, below, to help encourage vocations to the priesthood and religious life.[0]=68.ARDkjxFBHJIdR4_RsS_Hp4ZG8xq3baa1YN9pcqk7T8Zx5nQGWMbzwXgZBLFpd2ELWWONKwcTYHrh9bIAEFpXGyZJRLFoQgjkqp9ROsH7WM_WZyLC0Qy6Uq7Rs1vk-m8F4eEijdWOFRSynlQccj8tWE1dveRnnqdvXecIYoa0anF6OuTmNGPgtyDwc28cb9xOyyuLjkSqLY5mfuCnblh_x5MFzoNctwqE-QF1L3IMQuiv2BYAmAn0mCfh6P7d-CPTYD1z6f7Sln-FsIlWOMtz2ytCOmJs_BhKFDavgMrGS2IOIka5TQcZImxuru3Fr7ukuegsZHOjEx1bIGOqvdiJ7W2Czcagx3zabSU&__tn__=-R
If you are based in the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh and want to chat about the priesthood, contact Fr Andrew Garden on 0131 663 4286, For the religious life, contact Sr Mirjam on 0131 623 8902,
Priest School is available to watch on the BBC iPlayer. Click here.