The 40 Hours' Devotion began last night at St Mary's Cathedral as we celebrate a full liturgical year of Eucharistic Adoration!
The devotion continues tonight (Monday) at the Cathedral with Adoration from 10:30am to 7:00pm, with a guided Holy Hour with Msgr Andrew McFadden at 7pm.
Adoration continues on Tuesday (Solemnity of St Andrew) with Adoration from 10:30am to 7:00pm, with a guided Holy Hour with Archbishop Cushley at 7pm.The next parishes to host the 40 Hours' Devotion are St Serf's, Kirkcaldy and St Mary's Haddington, on Sunday 5 December.
Find out when your parish hosts the 40 Hours' Devotion at: Get prepared here. Below images: Ieva Matiejunaite.