Archbishop Cushley has praised the hard work and 'wonderful example' of priests and deacons in the diocese on the World Day of Prayer for Vocations.

He called on Catholics across St Andrews & Edinburgh to pray for our priests and religious as well as those who want to "dedicate their lives to the Lord".

His comments came in his homily at Mass for the fourth Sunday of Easter. Read the full homily below, or watch the homily in the video (skip to 7:36).


Homily, Archbishop Leo Cushley
World Day of Prayer for Vocations, 03 May 2020

"Today, the fourth Sunday of Easter, is always called Good Shepherd Sunday, also known as Vocations Sunday, because we listen to a part of St John's Gospel, where Jesus describes himself in various ways.

"But the key element is that he describes Himself as the Good Shepherd. He describes Himself this way because He dedicates His whole life to the Father's will and He will lay down His life for all of us, his sheep.

"We call our Bishops and priests shepherds too in honour, I think, of the lifelong dedication and self-giving that we expect from all our clergy.

"So today is a moment to thank God for them, for their service, and to pray for them, and to pray for vocations to the priesthood.

"Right now, the work of us, your shepherds, has been curtailed somewhat and made much more complicated by the lockdown. But your priests are still praying and offering Mass for you.

"They are still visiting hospitals and giving the comfort of the last rites to those who are at the close of their lives, whether they are suffering from Covid-19 or not.

"I hope the authorities will continue to take steps to protect the clergy of all the churches...those who wish to serve everyone about them as shepherd and not to let them abandon their people in their time of need.

"So today, let’s take a moment to pray for our priests and to pray for the young men and women who wish to dedicate their lives to the Lord.

"Not everyone is called to that kind of commitment but I know good men and women in our own diocese who wish to give their whole lives to God. They are very impressive and it’s great to see.

"Let’s remember them and thank God for their wonderful and inspired example. God bless you and keep each other safe."