Here's the Children's Liturgy at Home guide for this Sunday.
- 28 March 2021, Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. Click here to view.
This weekend is Passion (Palm) Sunday. We remember when Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem by crowds and hailed as King, which led to the Chief priests and the Pharisees demanding His death by crucifixion. We reflect on the account of His Passion and death on the cross.
Holy Week
We are now preparing to enter into Holy Week a time when we have the Easter Triduum:
Holy Thursday where we remember the Last Supper where Jesus instituted the Eucharist.
Good Friday when Jesus was crucified and died on the cross.
Easter Sunday when we celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection and victory over death.
Ask the children to reflect on their Lenten journey and consider the things they have done over the past weeks that have brought them closer to Jesus. As we gather at home this Sunday, we thank God for our families, and for the time we spend together in prayer.
Activity - Five steps to make your own palms
Ta da!