Here's Archbishop Leo Cushley's schedule up until 01 February, 2020


20 Monday - 4:00pm Trustees’ Meeting, Archdiocesan Offices, Edinburgh.
21 Tuesday - All day, Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, Airdrie.
22 Wednesday - 2:00pm clergy visits 7.00pm SPRED meeting, St Francis Xavier, Falkirk.
23 Thursday - 1:30pm Archbishop’s Council, Archdiocesan Offices, Edinburgh.
24 Friday - 2:00pm Youth Initiative meeting, Archdiocesan Offices, Edinburgh.
25 Saturday - 11:00am Bioethics Day, Gillis Centre, Edinburgh.
28 Monday - 11:00am Mass, Society of the Sacred Heart, Dalkeith.
29 Tuesday - 1:00pm Clergy visits.
31 Friday  11:00am Day for Religious, Gillis Centre, Edinburgh.