Archbishop Cushley welcomed religious brothers and sisters from across the Archdiocese to the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh on Wednesday for World Day for Consecrated Life.
He gave thanks for their "unique, irreplaceable mission and service".
Before celebrating Mass at St Margaret's Chapel, the Servidoras Sisters, who have recently arrived in Lochgelly, Fife, gave at talk on their work before Sr Anna Marie McGuan, a Religious Sister of Mercy (Edinburgh) spoke to update those gathered on the worldwide Synod.
Sr Mirjam Hugens, a Sister of the Spiritual Family The Work (Edinburgh) also issued a video encouraging vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Religious brothers with Archbishop Cushley after celebrating Mass.
Religious brothers and sisters pictured after Mass.
Servants of the Lord & The Virgin of Matará (Servidoras) (St Patrick's, Lochgelly).
Society of the Sacred Heart (Dalkeith).
Society of St Paul (St Joseph's, Broomhouse).
Sr Rosemary Bayne, Helpers of the Holy Souls (Gracemount, Edinburgh).
Sisters of Mercy (Lauriston Gardens, Edinburgh).
Sons of Mary, Mother of Mercy (St Patrick's Cowgate).
Missionaries of Charity (Hopetoun Crescent, Edinburgh).
The Spiritual Family The Work (Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh).
Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, (St Andrew's Convent, Edinburgh).