Pope Francis will pray before an empty square at St Peter's Basilica today to give a special blessing in response to the coranvirus outbreak.
It takes place today at 5pm (6pm Rome) and those who participate by watching or listening live will receive a plenary indulgence.
Watch it online at the Vatican's YouTube channel:
The #PrayTogether initiative will include the Word of God, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and an Urbi et Orbi blessing. The blessing “to the City [of Rome] and to the World” is normally only given on Christmas and Easter.
Pope Francis said: "We will listen to the Word of God, we will raise our supplication, we will adore the Blessed Sacrament, at the end I will impart the Urbi et orbi Blessing, and you will have the possibility of receiving a plenary indulgence.
"We want to respond to the virus pandemic with the universality of prayer."
Here's a guide on how to pray with #PopeFrancis this evening at 6 PM during the Urbi et Orbi blessing to receive a plenary indulgence. #coronavirus https://t.co/9402Tf8CJU
— Vatican News (@VaticanNews) March 27, 2020
The Urbi et orbi blessing is subject to the conditions foreseen by the recent Decree of the Apostolic Penitentiary. To find out more about a plenary indulgence, click here.