Archbishop Cushley said he is encouraged by the desire for "prayer and a deeper spiritual life" among those who took part in the diocesan stage of the synodal process.
He makes the comments in his introduction to the Archdiocesan Synod Report which was published today (Friday 24 June).
He writes: "Though many issues were raised in the synodal process, I am encouraged by the desire for prayer and a deeper spiritual life among our faithful."
He continued: "Indeed, given the weighty concerns expressed by the people and clergy of the Archdiocese, which do not admit of easy or instant answers, I am convinced that prayer must be the core of our response.
"Arising from the synodal process in this Archdiocese, there is, I believe, a real need to deepen the prayer life, the spirituality, and discernment of every individual in this Archdiocese."
To further help pople do this he announced that he would lead a monthly Holy Hour at St Margaret's Chapel at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh (dates tbc): "I invite all the faithful to comeand pray with me before the Blessed Sacrament."
Issues highlighted in the report that arose from the synodal process include young people, vocations, safeguarding, hospitality and outreach, faith formation, Mass and confession availability, women in the church and care for the earth.
The report is to be submitted to the Bishops' Conference of Scotland. Find out more about the Synod 2021-23 at