We are looking forward to hosting Synodal events for each of the five Deaneries in the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh.


4th and 11th January
St Francis Xavier's, Falkirk (Falkirk & Stirling deanery)

19th and 26th January
St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh (Edinburgh city deanery)

1st and 8th February
St Mary's, Bathgate (West Lothian deanery)

16th and 23rd February
St David's, Dalkeith (Borders, Mid & East Lothian deanery)

1st and 8th March
St Margaret's, Dunfermline (Fife deanery)


We are currently in a "a period of consultation and discernment" for the local church in which Pope Francis has asked for the voice of the laity to be heard. To help make this happen we are hosting two events in each deanery at the above-named hosting parishes.

  • The first event is a preparatory Holy Hour. It will start at 7:30pm.
  • The second event is the synodal meeting itself. It will start at 7:00pm.

 In each deanery, every parish has been asked to send up to five delegates to its deanery-specific event. This will help to ensure adequate representation from across the deanery.

  • Delegates should attend both the Holy Hour and the synodal meeting.
  • There is no need to submit names or numbers in advance.
  • The meetings are open to all. So, as well as the ‘official’ delegates, all are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Supporting Parish Synod meetings

Parishes have also been encouraged by Archbishop Cushley to host 'spiritual conversations' so people can contribute their voice to the Synod 2021-2023 at a local level.

The Archdiocese has made available a booklet titled Hosting a Parish Synod Meeting, which offers practical advice, resource material and tips. The deadline for feedback from parishes is 31 March 2022.

It was compiled by Sr Anna Marie McGuan, the Diocesan Synod Delegate, and Fr John Deighan who is assisting her.

They have also put together the above video guide (8 min watch) for parishes about hosting a Synodal Meeting. Watch it on YouTube here.

Read and download the Parish Meeting Guide here. Synod resources can be found on this website (Menu>Governance>Catechetics). Visit our YouTube playlist to see all our Synod videos. The official website for the Synod is synod.va

Questions? Email sranna.marie@staned.org.uk