Archbishop Cushley has contributed to the Week of Prayer by offering a prayer to over 200 Christians taking part in a special Zoom session last night.

The Week of Prayer is an initiative of the Church of Scotland which invites Christians to come together for prayer and reflection online.

Following the prayer Dr Rev Martin Fair, Moderator of the Church of Scotland, said: "We in Scotland have not always enjoyed the best of relationships between different parts of the Christian church, and that is much to our shame.

"But when God's people pray together then all things become possible, and so we're very grateful for Leo leading us in prayer."

The Prayer

Almighty God, your Son, Jesus, our Master, teaches us, his disciples, to call you “Father”.

In our hearts, we wish to be your children, but we are weak, and we break our promises. Yet you are always faithful to yours.

You show your strength in your mercy.

From the earliest times, you have promised to bless us and to be close to us.

Again, and again, you have rescued us both from our enemies, and from ourselves, even though we leave the path you gently point out to us.

Make us know again our need of you, for in you alone is our blessedness and our peace. Listen tonight to our prayer for ourselves and our neighbours.

Give us your grace, that we may know again your goodness to us, and that we may learn again to lay aside our pride and be humble before you. Help us to serve the good in our community, and to support what builds up our churches and our society for the peace and prosperity of all.

This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Watch a recording of the Place for Pause evening prayer here