The Archdiocese says farewell to Fr John O’Connor OP, parish priest and superior at St Albert's Chaplaincy at the University of Edinburgh.

He has been appointed Regent of Studies for the English Dominican Province, which will see him rejoin the Dominican Community at Blackfriars, Oxford. He leaves Edinburgh on Tuesday (28 July).

Archbishop Leo Cushley said: "We thank him warmly for all the good work he has done, especially among the young people of the city and all those who attend St Albert's chaplaincy parish in George Square."


Fr John O’Connor, from County Galway in Ireland, was ordained to the priesthood in 2004 and served as a curate in London, a parish priest in Glasgow, and was previously Prior at Blackfriars.

Since that time he has worked at the university chaplaincy in Edinburgh where he also completed a second doctorate in Moral Philosophy at the University. Since early 2019 he has been a lecturer in Moral Theology at the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Glasgow.

Fr O'Connor said that he was "sorry to be leaving Edinburgh" but was pleased his move was delayed as it meant he will be able to take part in fellow Dominican Samuel Burke's ordination to the priesthood on Saturday at St Mary's Cathedral.

A spokesperson for the Dominicans in Oxford said: "We look forward to his rejoining Blackfriars at what will no doubt be a challenging time."

Find out more about the Dominicans at St Albert's Chaplaincy here.