A religious sister of the Archdiocese has shared her vocation story to encourage young men and women to consider serving God in the priesthood or religious life
Sister Mirjam Hugens speaks candidly of her own questions and doubts in making the decision and states 'trust in the Lord!".
She said: "He needs your hands, your voice, your talents, to bring Him to others. Be generous and know that the Lord cannot be outdone in generosity
The video is part of the Archdiocese's week-long vocations drive, following the World Day of Prayer for Vocations on Sunday. It includes a message from Archbishop Cushley, a vocations Mass streamed on Facebook last night and a call for Catholics to pray for vocations.
Explore the call. Talk to your parish priest or contact: Sr Mirjam Hugens FSO | 0131 623 8902 | religiousvocations@staned.org.uk; Fr Andrew Garden | 0131 663 4286 | vocations@staned.org.uk