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  • Click here for a quick guide for parishes.
  • Click here forThe Bishop's Conference COVID-19 parish resources:
  • Click here for Scottish Government guide for parishes.

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for Archdiocesan updates. Our statement on Covid-19 and safeguarding is here.


Matthew Meade is our Director of Communications: | 07833208211. Please approach your priest if your query relates to your parish.


Thursday 7 August

COVID rules for Hospitality settings

Food preparation:

  • No sharing of cutlery, crockery or utensils
  • Strict hand hygiene should be observed
  • Face coverings are mandatory

People attending (“customers”)

  • Legal requirement (unless exempt) to wear a face covering when moving around inside a space or when queueing. Patrons drinking at a bar do not need to wear face coverings but consideration of the staff serving them should be made. If this is not behind a Perspex screen or more than 1m away, staff may also need to wear face coverings.
  • It is mandatory for all hospitality settings to collect and retain patron’s details for Test & Protect.
    • Data Protection
      • The Archdiocese is registered as a Data Controller – there is no need for a Parish to register separately
      • As a controller, we will be using the GDPR lawful basis under Article 6(1) (c) ‘Legal Obligation’. Where an individual is not willing to provide their data, premises are advised to refuse service, or a booking.
      • Privacy Policy template – should be displayed at entrance to venue.


  • Ensure there is good ventilation of spaces
  • Manage “pinch-point” queues to ensure people are not forced into a small space for any length of time


Tuesday 24 August

Church halls and any other Church premises e.g. parish rooms etc, can be re-opened for all activities.

The following checks should be made for:

  • Up-to-date insurance cover (some policies now include covid clauses)
  • Deep cleaning if the hall has not been in use
  • Up-to-date risk assessments

and ensuring there is hand sanitiser, wearing of face coverings indoors and good ventilation.

Tuesday 21 July

Archbishop Cushley has updated our clergy about Level 0 guidlines with the following FAQs.

Can holy water fonts be used?

There is still a risk that the virus can be transmitted through the use of holy water fonts. The use of fonts is not advised until further notice.

What about the distribution of hymn books and newsletters?

This may proceed as normal.

Can we have hospitality after Mass?

This is possible within the current government regulations and guidance but caution is urged and table seating is mandatory. Please make sure appropriate hygiene and safety measures are in place. Refer to this guidance for more information Coronavirus (COVID-19): tourism and hospitality sector - (

Can church halls be used for parish meetings?

This is possible within the current government regulations and guidance. Meetings should only take place in person if necessary, otherwise they should continue online. They should: have as few people as is necessary; be brief; be socially distanced and all the usual mitigations should be in place - cleaning, sanitising, wearing face coverings, socially distanced.

What about confessionals?

The use of enclosed confessionals should continue to be avoided.

Do we need to continue with Test and Protect?

Please continue to support the Test and Protect regime by the collection and temporary retention of parishioner information. However, if this is unduly burdensome parishes may collect information for just one person per family group. Alternatively, parishes may invite people to register for their usual Mass as a one-off and ask them to inform the parish if they can’t attend.

What about cleaning procedures?

We are still waiting on clarification about the cleaning of churches. We expect the need for this will be reduced but please continue with the procedures you currently have in place.

What are the main changes affecting places of worship in Level 0?

Scotland moved to Level 0 on Monday 19 July – it is the lowest level of covid restrictions.

  • One metre social distancing instead of two.
  • The max attendance for weddings and funerals is 200 (with one metre distancing).
  • Congregational singing is permitted.


  • Face coverings must be worn inside church, unless exempt.
  • Names and tel numbers of those attending church must still be taken.
  • Sanitiser should still be made available for parishioners.

Tuesday 13 July 

The First Minister has announced that all of Scotland will move to Level 0 on Monday 19 July.
What this means for Churches
  • We can move to one metre of physical distancing instead of two metres. That means most churches will be able to increase their capacity from 19 July.
  • Congregational singing is allowed, albeit behind masks (singing is already allowed in Level 1 areas).
  • The maximum attendance at weddings and funerals will rise to 200.

Please note

  • Masks should still be worn inside church, unless exempt.
  • Names and tel numbers of those attending church must still be taken.
  • Sanitiser should still be made available for parishioners.
For changes that affect halls, please see Scottish Government Guidance.

Monday 28 June

The changes below are dependent on the infection rates being under control (which is not the case at the moment) so these dates are not to be taken as fixed.

  • From 28 June:  Suppliers of wedding services and others employed by the couple are no longer part of the head count for capacity. Those accompanying the bride down the aisle do not have to wear face coverings.
  • From 19 July: Social distancing in Places of Worship reduces to 1 meter inside and is no longer required outdoors.
  • From 9 August: all Scotland will reduce to level 0 and restrictions ease considerably.

For some time to come the following should be standard practice:

  • Good hand hygiene and surface cleaning
  • Good ventilation
  • Collection of Test & Protect information

Friday 04 June

From Saturday 05 June the following areas go into Level 1:

East and West Lothian
Scottish Borders

What it means for Level 1 areas

  • Congregational singing is allowed at Mass. Masks must still be worn. BCOS is inquiring about the use of hymnals as there is no current guidance on this.
  • Up to 100 people can attend weddings and funeral (depending on size of church, ie with 2 metre physical distancing).
  • NB Church capacity for Mass etc has not increased. It remains the same for all churches in all areas because of 2 metre physical distancing requirements.

All other areas remain in Level 2. Singing can only take part in small groups and the max capacity for funerals and weddings is 50.


Government guidance now asks places of worship to apply the same criteria to Baptisms as they do to other acts of worship such as Holy Mass. So capacity for a Baptism outside of Mass may be based on 2m physical distancing.

Please note that different rules still apply to funerals and weddings.


Scottish Government on Weddings (for all areas)

‘With effect from 5 June, the amended physical distancing requirements will allow businesses, services and places of worship to permit a party to the marriage or civil partnership to be accompanied down the aisle or to join the celebrant or registrar for the start of the ceremony or registration by a guest (such as a parent or parents) who is not in the same household or extended household, without physical distancing being observed.

The exemption permitting a party to the marriage or civil partnership not to wear a face covering for the duration of the ceremony or registration in an indoor public place is also amended with effect from 5 June.

The effect is the party to the marriage or civil partnership does not have to wear a face covering whilst being accompanied even if physical distancing is not observed. The party, of course, may choose to wear a face covering whilst being accompanied.

There is no change to the requirement for guests to wear a face covering during the ceremony or registration in an indoor public place, unless exempt. Therefore, the person accompanying the party to the marriage or civil partnership will still need to wear a face covering, unless exempt generally.’

Childcare guidance

Unregulated childcare guidance has been updated and capacity may now be based on physical distancing (note that physical distancing does not apply to those aged 12 and under). Unregulated childcare includes babies and toddler groups and church run groups for children. Please note that different guidance applies to regulated childcare settings which are groups registered to the Care Inspectorate or other registered body.

Mon 26 April


▪ The 50-capacity restriction on places of worship is removed today.
▪ Capacity is determined by the size of the church, with continued two-metre physical distancing (smaller churches are unlikely to see an increase in capacity).
▪ Weddings/Funerals: The maximum capacity for both rises to 50.

Fri 16 April

The 50-capacity restriction on places of worship in Scotland is being changed from Monday 26 April. Capacity will be determined by the size of the church, with the continued requirement of 2 metre physical distancing. Registering the attendees at each Mass and the other mitigations of face coverings, hand sanitiser and one-way systems etc. will still be necessary. It means bigger churches will be able to welcome more people to Mass. Places of worship will be expected to undertake a building assessment to determine capacity. The Scottish Government is developing new guidance on this and I will update you with it when details are issued.

From 26 April the maximum capacity at both weddings and funerals will rise to 50 (it is currently 5 for weddings and 20 for funerals).

Thur 25 March

Archbishop Cushley's video message on churches reopening.

Wed 24 March

Churches can now reopen!

Coronavirus regulations that forced the closure of churches in Scotland and criminalise public worship have been deemed unlawful.

A group of 27 church leaders launched a judicial review at the Court of Session, including Canon Tom White, a priest of the Archdiocese of Glasgow, arguing the Scottish government acted beyond their powers under emergency legislation. Lord Braid agreed the regulations went further than was lawfully allowed.

The ruling comes two days before communal worship is due to resume.

(From BBC Scotland News)

Tue 23 March

Churches can reopen from this Friday 26 March. Many parishes are preparing to welcome you back for Holy Week (beginning this Sunday). We appreciate that not everyone will be able to attend Mass and services because of the 50 max capacity restriction. The following will be streamed on our YouTube channel.

Tue 16 March

Wed 09 March

The First Minister has announced the Scottish Government’s intention to allow the reopening of churches in time for Holy Week and Easter, assuming no deterioration in the virus.

      • Places of worship are to re-open to the public on Friday 26 March.
      • The maximum attendance will be 50 for those churches that can accommodate two metre physical distancing (smaller churches may have reduced capacity).

    Mon 01 March

    Bishops welcome return to Mass for Easter

    The Catholic Bishops of Scotland have issued a statement welcoming the move that will open churches in time for Easter - and have called for a removal of the cap which limits the number of people who can attend.

    Instead, the bishops says congregation size should be calculated in accordance with the size of each church, a system similar to that used in the retail sector, which still maintains social distancing regulations. Read more here.

    Tue 23 Feb

    The Scottish Government has published a Strategic Framework Update. Read it here.

    First Minister Nicola Sturgeon today said: “Communal worship will also, we hope, restart around 5th April, albeit with restricted numbers to begin with. However, in deciding the exact date for this we will obviously take into account the timing of major religious festivals, for example Easter and Passover so it may be a few days earlier when communal worship can restart.”

    Wed 17 Feb 

    The February edition of the Living in Faith newsletter from the Bishops' Conference of Scotland is available here. It's put together by BCOS' Pastoral Ministry Working Group who have filled it with info, advice and resources.


    Thur 07 Jan 

    Archbishop Cushley's video message on the temporary closure of churches. More here.

    Tue 05 Jan

    Scotland’s Catholic Bishops have expressed concern at the Scottish Government’s decision to close churches from Friday. Read the statement here

    Mon 04 Jan

    The First Minister has announced new lockdown measures that will result in the closure of churches from Friday.


        • Places of worship are required to close for worship, but can open for the purposes of leading an act of worship (broadcast or online), conducting a marriage or civil partnership ceremony or a funeral.​​​​​

    Life Events

        • Wedding ceremonies and civil partnership registrations can take place with a maximum capacity of 5 people (including the couple, the witnesses and the person conducting the ceremony, 6 if an interpreter is required), provided the venue’s capacity allows for 2 metre physical distancing.
        • Funerals can take place with a maximum capacity of 20, provided the venue’s capacity allows for 2 metre physical distancing.
        • Wedding receptions and post funeral gatherings such as wakes cannot take place.
        • You must maintain a safe distance of 2 metres between people not in your household or extended household.
        • Face coverings must be worn by those attending a wedding or civil partnership, except for the couple and the person conducting the ceremony.  Face coverings do not need to be worn by the person leading a funeral service or by the person providing the eulogy.
        • Christenings and other life events apart from weddings or funerals should not take place.


    At Holyrood today she said: "It is with real regret that we consider it necessary for places of worship to close during this period for all purposes except broadcasting a service, or conducting a funeral, wedding or civil partnership. I am well aware of how important communal worship is to people. But we believe that this restriction is necessary to reduce the risk of transmission. While up to 20 people will still be able to attend funeral services, wakes will not be possible during January. And a maximum of 5 people will be able to attend wedding and civil partnership services."

    Mon 21 Dec PM

    From Boxing Day, all of mainland Scotland will have Level 4 restrictions applied for three weeks. This means a maximum of 20 people at Mass and all other services at church from Saturday 26 December to Saturday 16 January

    What it means for all parishes in the Archdiocese

        • Mass capacity: 20
        • Weddings: 20
        • Funerals: 20
        • Baptisms: 20

    Church Halls

    Should not be used for any activities other than the streaming of Mass.

     Pastoral visits to hospitals, care homes and private homes

    This is classed as part of the essential care provision and therefore permitted. Travel for this purpose is permitted. Don’t visit too many homes in one morning/afternoon.

    Tue 08 Dec PM

    From this Friday (11 Dec) at 6pm, Level 4 restrictions will be lifted. It means all parishes in the Archdiocese can return to having a maximum of 50 people at Mass.

    Tue 17 Nov PM

    The First Minister today announced Level 4 measures which will affect four areas in our diocese - Stirling, West Lothian, East Dunbartonshire and North Lanarkshire. These begin on Friday at 6pm for a period of three weeks. Read more here.

    Areas in our diocese going into Level 4 measures

        • Stirling
        • West Lothian
        • East Dunbartonshire
        • North Lanarkshire

    Tue 10 Nov PM

    Covid update: Three further councils - Angus, Fife and Perth & Kinross - have entered Level 3 restrictions. This has no impact on the numbers who can attend Mass in our Archdiocese. No local authority will move down a level this week.

    Thur 29 0ct PM

    The First Minister has announced Covid-19 level restrictions across Scotland. The current levels do not impact on the number of people who can attend a Mass (50 max) in the Archdiocese or in Scotland.

    Level 2
    - Borders
    - Fife

    Level 3
    - Edinburgh
    - East/Mid/West Lothian
    - Stirling
    - Falkirk
    - North Lanarkshire
    - East Dunbartonshire

    Fri 23 0ct PM

    Churches will remain open in all tiers of the Scottish Government's new system of coronavirus alerts. This comes into effect on 02 November. Full framework document is available here.


    Thur 15 0ct  PM

    From Friday 16 October there will be an exemption in the regulations for the couple in an indoor ceremony when getting married  not to wear face masks

        • In recognition of the significance of the event to couples, an exemption on wearing a face mask has been introduced for the couple getting married or entering a civil partnership for the duration of the ceremony or registration provided the couple are physically distanced from any other person.
        • Any other person present at the ceremony or registrations would still be required to wear a face covering. The exemption for the couple would not apply to any celebration related to the ceremony or registration such as a wedding reception.
        • The wearing of face coverings is mandatory for anyone who enters or remains in an indoor public place where a marriage ceremony or civil partnership registration is taking place unless an exemption applies.
        • There is a specific exemption for the person leading the marriage ceremony or civil partnership such as the celebrant or registrar.

    Wed 07 0ct  PM

    Following queries from parishes, we provide the following updates:

    Newsletters: After some negotiation with BCOS, we have been advised that Parish Newsletters could be issued in small numbers for those who don’t have access to the internet. There is an element of risk involved in the processing and distribution and so they are still not recommended for general use. They could be made available (but not handed out) on exit from the Church and after people have sanitised their hands. This matter has been queried on several occasions and so we are unlikely to get any further concessions.

    Parish Meetings: Work-related meetings are allowed in Church Halls in limited circumstances and meetings of the Deaneries and Parish Committee’s (i.e. Parish Council, Finance Committee) could be held. It is recommended that meetings are brief, with as few people as necessary, social distancing is followed, papers are not distributed on the day but in advance and no refreshments are served. These types of meetings come under the jurisdiction of the normal running of the Diocese and Parishes and should not be confused with meetings of external groups such as the Legion of Mary or SSVP etc.

    Test & Protect (T&P): Should someone in a congregation receive a positive Covid test result, the T&P Team advises against a general announcement being made in the Parish as this may only cause anxiety or panic. If the person is tested in the UK, the automatic tracing process will ensure that they are interviewed about where they have been. A judgement is then made based on a number of different factors before others are advised to go into self-isolation. If a person leaves the UK and subsequently advises you that they have received a positive test result, please request their details (preferably via email) and send this to the Archdiocesan Covid Team who can advise T&P and the tracing process will be started from the UK. It is not necessary to obtain consent for this information as it is currently a legal requirement for the public good.

    Mon 05 0ct PM

    Priests and parish volunteers' high standards of infection control means public worship and parish life can carry on, despite a rise in the rate of Covid-19 infections.

    In a letter sent to Scotland’s 500 Catholic parishes, the bishops of Scotland said that Catholic churches are among the safest places to attend thanks to “meticulous” infection control and safety measures. Read our story here.

    Friday 07 Sep PM

    FAQ: Why is the attendance figure for Masses and Baptisms 50, while weddings and funerals it's 20?

    The numbers of people who can attend places of worship is dictated by the Scottish Government and the Bishops' Conference of Scotland (BCOS) agreed with this to enable Catholic churches to re-open to the public. The Scottish Government defines Mass and Baptism as Public Religious Worship events but Funerals and Weddings as Life Events. It’s only in the Catholic Church in which these are usually held within a Mass. So, in a secular society, the difference is not always understood. BCOS is pushing the Government to relax the restrictions, but as yet an increase has not be agreed.

    Friday 04 Sep PM

    Archbishop Cushley has updated clergy with the below details to offer clarification on the latest Covid-19 guidance for churches and church halls. Correct as of 04 September. He wrote: "Updates from the Government are being received daily, and so keeping you informed of the latest changes is a challenge, but our Archdiocesan Covid Team will seek to make sure you have the latest information as soon as is possible. With an assurance of my prayers for you and your people. Sincerely in Christ, Archbishop Leo Cushley."

    This gives snapshot of the current situation.

    Test and Protect Process (TPP)
    This is Scotland’s version of Track & Trace and may work differently. A person who suspects they may have symptoms has the responsibility to get tested. If they do, the following will happen in the event of a positive result:

        • The Test Centre will report the positive test result to the TPP.
        • If they have been to Mass, the Parish will be asked to submit the contact information of those who attended within the relevant time-period and must do so by law.
        • TPP will contact everyone with whom the affected person has been in contact.
        • The TPP will make a judgement on who should isolate, and this may not be everyone – those who sat far away from the affected person may not have to isolate.
        • The Church should temporarily close. This can be for a period of 72 hours, after which the virus will have died or for a shorter period to allow a more thorough cleaning and disinfection of all surfaces. How long this latter option will take depends on the numbers of volunteers available and so each Parish will need to make this decision.
        • In the case where the Priest needs to self-isolate for a full 14 days or who contracts the virus, contact your Dean for cover.
        • It is not recommended that you make a public announcement about a potential infection – this could cause anxiety and panic. The relevant parishioners will be contacted separately and privacy under GDPR will be maintained.

    Church Halls
    These are considered part of the Community Centre sector and guidance has not yet been published for this by the Scottish Government. Also, it needs to be understood that the Government sees a difference between “Regulated” and “Unregulated” premises and activities. Church Halls, and the activities therein, mostly fall into the Unregulated category and so comparisons with cafés, dance studios, gyms etc. are not relevant, because they will be covered by specific guidance for their industry. This also means that the regulations for meetings indoors govern what can be allowed to happen and, at the moment, this is still a maximum of 8 people from 3 households. Some activities for children are Regulated – such as education or childcare where these are provided by a registered provider. We are awaiting confirmed guidance about those run by the voluntary sector.

    This means that all the activities we would or could hold in a Church Hall can only be held if the relevant industry sector guidance is followed. This can run to several dozens of pages of reading of legislation and therefore it would be prudent to consult the Covid Team before you commence an activity.

    Numbers at Mass
    BCOS is in the process of pushing the Government to allow an increase in the numbers attending Mass dependent on the size of the building. The Catholic Church throughout Scotland has shown an excellent response in re-opening Churches in a safe and controlled manner and so, it is hopeful that we will see a positive change in this area.


    Wednesday 26 August PM

    This Living in Faith newsletter from the Bishops' Conference of Scotland, compiled by the BCOS Pastoral Ministry Working Group, provides information, advice and resources emerging from a recent survey of parishes. Read it here.

    Wednesday 12 August PM

    Parish Halls - advice on the reopening of parish halls can be found here. The use of Parish Halls is still very limited but Children’s Liturgy can meet during Mass if there are sufficient volunteers, time and space (from

    Tuesday 11 August PM

    Bookings for Mass: In those parishes that are 'managing' bookings for Sunday Mass and are finding themselves oversubscribed each week, consideration should be given to asking parishioners to limit themselves to booking for Sunday Mass every 2 or 3 weeks, rather than weekly.  This would allow more parishioners the chance to attend Sunday Mass (from

     Tue 28 July 2020

    Ventilation: Parish Co-ordinators are reminded that church buildings should be kept well-ventilated during Mass to minimise the risks of people being in a confined space.  You should consider opening doors and windows where this is feasible (from

    Thursday 16 July PM

    Archbishop Cushley and parishioners at St Mary's Catholic Cathedral, Edinburgh featured on yesterday's Reporting Scotland, to give their reaction to public Mass resuming.

    Tuesday 14 July PM

    The Bishops' Conference of Scotland has today issued these guidelines to show what you can expect when attending Mass. Click on the following format to view and download - jpeg, pdf, Word.

    Monday 13 July AM

    Update from the BCOS Covid-19 webpage

    Health protocol for distribution of Holy Communion. Clergy distributing Holy Communion should:

    • sanitise their hands immediately prior to distributing Holy Communion
    • wear a face covering while distributing Holy Communion
    • direct congregants to receive Holy Communion in their hand by stretching out their arms with one hand on top of the other, then taking steps to the side to place the host on the tongue.

    Thursday 09 July AM

    The First Minister has announced that places of worship can open from Wednesday 15th July for congregational worship. Here's what she said:

    “After careful consideration we’ve decided that from 15th July places of worship can reopen for communal prayer, congregational services and contemplation.

    However, numbers will be strictly limited, two metres’ physical distancing will be required and there will also be a requirement to collect the contact details and time of attendance of those entering a place of worship. Unfortunately, given what we know about transmission risks, singing and chanting will also be restricted. Detailed guidance is currently being finalised in consultation with our faith communities, but I hope that today’s announcement will be welcomed by all those for whom faith and worship is important and a source of comfort.

    “In addition…we will also ease restrictions on attendance at ceremonies and services for funerals, weddings and civil partnerships. However, numbers will be even more limited than for worship generally and physical distancing will be required…I am acutely aware that the restrictions we have had to place on attendance of  funerals have been particularly hard to bear and I am verygrateful to everyone who has complied in what I know will be heartbreaking circumstances.

    “While the changes which come into effect next week (15th) will not allow full scale gatherings yet, I hope they will allow people to find solace at a time of grief while allowing more people to celebrate happy occasions such as weddings and civil partnerships.”

    Wednesday 01 July AM

    A new guide to using Eventbrite is available. It's a free online system which a parish can use to manage bookings for Mass when capacity is restricted. View it here.

    Monday 29 June AM

    VIDEO: Parishioners from St Mary's Cathedral and St Andrews Church in Edinburgh have given their response to returning to church.

    Friday 26 June PM

    St Mary's Kelso, was on ITV Borders yesterday in a report about churches reopening for private prayer. Well done Fr David and parishioners![0]=68.ARB2DiKozYM2QbWwRlp-6hTTyXvUHKsObtiJjgm7HKeD_lymVOp_g1RxFI4UXkrlsAm1J150hykifTrZ9vr_f4Hldc-V3mYQ2xnEynuJLHtiXvsciPBkAiqULnIAO0XAJmHw2--ARGcIaElyma8j1f0C1uC-w4xO13rPd-MLEA4AfN8QsVMDjju-9Fhzfyhu4_wo4r237miPFSuu9US1L7YEOoT5p7cRPI-SfE6_t8xdzp7Pn-92AaWKOEl3jMLGr1OvqC9KIDqKLaUdYBSR61Xu7H4rFAu3xhgRYZlf_fN0mVELlZLOwCARwjvRk8yi4GgdhReGFpWvhIkru0XarlL6srk2DzQRXrTE9w&__tn__=-R

    Monday 22 June AM

    The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland (BCOS) has welcomed the announcement that churches may reopen for private prayer from today (22 June). More here. Read the Scottish Government guidance here.

    Thursday 18 June PM

    The First Minister of Scotland has announced that, with effect from Monday 22nd June, churches can re-open for private prayer. More here

    Monday 15 June PM

    Archbishop Cushley featured on BBC Radio Scotland's Sunday Morning programme to share his thoughts on what the gradual easing of lockdown might mean for Catholic churches in Scotland. More here.

    Saturday 13 June AM

    Archbishop Cushley will appear on national radio tomorrow (Sunday 14 June) to discuss the reopening of Catholic churches in Scotland. More here

    Friday 12 June AM

    Here's our summary of the Bishops' Conference of Scotland guidance on the reopening of churches in Phase 2 of the Scottish Government's route map out of lockdown.

    Wed  11 June PM

    A US student stuck in St Andrews used his lockdown time to help parishes get ready for reopening - with a guide to using Eventbrite. Matthew Matisz (18), of Pittsburgh, produced simple instructions for using the free ticketing system so parishes can consider if they want to use an online method to help them regulate numbers. See the guide here. Our story here

    Mon 09 June PM

    Mgr Allan Chambers, of St Mary's in Bathgate, presents our 'Back to Church Basics' video. More details here.

    Fri 05 June PM

    The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland has created an online Covid-19 hub featuring documents and resources. Find it here. Our initial coverage is here

    Wed 03 June PM

    The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland has finalised its proposed infection control standards which will govern the reopening of parishes and confirmed that they have sent their guidelines to the Scottish Government. More here.

    Tuesday 02 June 2020 (PM)

    The Bishops' Conference of Scotland are meeting today to discuss the next steps in the church's approach to the safe reopening of churches. An announcemnet on this is expected tomorrow.

    Thursday 28 May 2020 (PM)

    Mount Vernon Cemetery in Edinburgh will re-open at weekends following the Scottish Government's announcement of the first phase in the lifting of lockdown restrictions. More here.

    Wednesday 27 May 2020 (AM)

    The national Covid-19 Working Group, tasked with creating protocols to govern the phased reopening of Catholic Churches in Scotland, meets today (Wednesday 27 May). More here.

    Thursday 21 May 2020 (PM)

    The Scottish Government has announced a four-phase "route map" towards easing the country's lockdown restrictions. This begins on 28 May. Read it here.

    First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said today: "The route map also indicates when places of worship may re-open. It makes clear that while our current guidance on funerals - one of the most distressing and heartbreaking rules of the lockdown - remains unfortunately unchanged for now, we do hope to relax it as we move from phase one into phase two."[0]=68.ARDfewmgXhC7tj8bb4LOpc01BjfcekwUtTF_sSQO499L4jgTCfQ-b0GED_rzXivaUQlHMCkJJmsfks2aeWaSJob2mYARpnf_BgwF9q8Yo_SHDG3GO6nnthKUNGkpjiDa7jbv56h6NRuY6yHIggxkrYw2v9sVf-4YAGh2t1eGF6T40Ewiyuer55C4DbdGNjIHVJV_rvhVPqrPLZe-3nY31zFxjxFv_OvO8ijtQjF-hHo36ncG5xZ9mWytIwkj0JmavyuPBg6rEDLjBk_3A_megXjhrNoZdMPxuncHmxo2rgemOf9KiEx-dxSF11XAbrv59yc6MOzesvZDmpiZCLiCC4IkD1W4NMAndKc&__tn__=-R

    Sunday 17 May 2020 (PM)

    People across Scotland will join together in prayer at 7pm tonight (Sunday) for the eighth consecutive week. More here.

    Thursday 14 May 2020 (AM)

    Infection Control and Liturgical Norms will be the focus of The Covid-19 Working Group, tasked with the creation of an Infection Control Protocol to govern the phased reopening of churches for public worship. More here.

    A new Covid-19 group will examine how best to meet the long-term pastoral needs of Catholics during the current pandemic. More here.

    Wednesday 13 May 2020 (PM)

    Archbishop Cushley has rededicated the Archdiocese to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima (13 May) as we pray for an end to the Coronavirus. Watch the video below.[0]=68.ARBz-Z1EApkoGBjwCt9MHwRXzTQRuOzG_DAUhcvOgNq0ClqyDOU8di7WIcKzAZw6vS-nbC47bxPhDA3xyFxiM8ulwxi7PC1VJ3g9El1UucT7pxGVOeSESPEFAQwwInENlB35LV2fz2MV1SiIWJwnv3Mr2_NbA6BTv-yRXFgAdPtGic_3D4P_7w94ZsRlt2XkqZ9O5QsFYrMg5YnoUqGIP29gfNOF4FsZnte1-8H9uXd22J4Z9sXj_q32Xf9vhO2X3xD4_2DFOTpqfGS6XUYU1ZJg4dKSLC5N9wMcADsrRHxUa9MUVdMKRhXvKxO56ZI5R3jedDAeS5MkRkLEUkW90ngstn4y51A1Lw&__tn__=-R

    Wednesday 06 May 2020 (PM)

    Scotland's former chief medical officer will chair a Covid-19 working group formed by bishops as steps continue towards reopening churches. More here.

    Monday 04 May 2020 (AM)

    National media outlets reported at the weekend on plans to reopen Catholic Churches in Scotland. This story originates from a Press Association interview with Bishop John Keenan. View some of the coverage below.


    STV, click here
    BBC, click here
    Daily Record, click here
    Scottish Catholic Observer, click here
    Press Gazette, click here

    Thursday 30 April 2020 (AM)

    Scotland's bishops are working together with authorities in taking the next steps towards getting churches across the country safely reopened. More here.[0]=68.ARCiVo5rQnrkSNefnTk8wt9UoRddDbmqq8hyVt7xbVNAliCug7g6mJAcIG-7IFGfx0hU5yKE2Xb1pnd-bWuKTryhGm9XLVYjaQK8JESKqfwoAcxq0q8UWASCRrR-KqEI0gUI98AANX65YESQ3Sk_3h74L1SdyGnW1co87ExXTtqkqch9I7lIuYx_940jMeSCswBufXjIXKPTeVehmQ3SitHEm-X1v0KVTM5YEj8Nnym8kyh9mqY4xyFX_Yv3eh4Xmg7sJfwILhuBvt5Ctld9jKWPTBf70b70bYognfp9l0p6ndswo-HaYTKROYG0LPQc3nmeR1lT3m9Knm6T8opidvEyKNVdQCOoEeM&__tn__=-R

    Tuesday 28 April 2020 (PM)

    A priest has revealed how a pensioner's cheeky comment sparked the idea to play his accordian on Facebook for parishioners during lockdown. More here.[0]=68.ARA3IOQRNjOa1e_ee2wItdSdM5A1rZbVCyQVaioJ9uWlNJ4VT06wluJuis2AWUHueB151u36Cp8JuQDtdqa328-yPq3Bc_qOQYaE37du64Hvz3lb70WFG2tsU_VTvxi_n5cOlPLz_y2K1tKweEXG6NAf2YjupI0XYulb8x30WnohWTSmvNaWkIzFdyyy-1QAhVpjNu7Wa6_vg7Nv8NUeYNjExCUrfxJXVj9VyjjjUkJr7iJWekJas_pnM4uy8azOC8BqWj7l-HFRs7WJ8TlYVeCUrB9eXC5932rTpLvdIKJWyrdvgyoVBcRFXStp43k0ZODuPmDb0uY0bUocPNuPRr1Bn5JWg5S7ErI&__tn__=-R

    Monday 27 April 2020 (AM)

    We've compiled a list of ten sites we hope will help you through lockdown - offering inspiration, resources and information. Visit here.

    Friday 24 April 2020 (AM)

    The St Margaret’s Pilgrimage 2020 has been cancelled, but organisers are already planning to make next year’s event extra special. Read here.

    Thursday 23 April 2020 (PM)

    The Scottish Government's recent decision to make provision for the delivery of abortion medication by post during the coronavirus lockdown has been described as “deeply troubling.” Bishop Hugh Gilbert, President of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, also hit out at the decision to allow women experiencing crisis pregnancies to have consultations by phone or video. Read the story here.

    Wednesday 22 April 2020 (AM)

    The head of Mary's Meals has thanked parishioners in our Archdiocese and across Scotland for their ongoing support during the coronavirus pandemic. Read here. Support Mary's Meals here.

    Wednesday 22 April 2020 (AM)

    Priest reveals his message to couples who have had their wedding cancelled due to coronavirus. Read here

    Saturday 18 April 2020 (AM)

    Churches across Scotland have joined together to issue a 'Call to Prayer' at 7pm on Sunday. Read here.

    Thursday 16 April 2020 (PM)

    Archbishop Leo Cushley highlights how historic differences between Christian denominations can't stop us working together, being good friends and promoting unity, particularly during the current pandemic. Read his reflection here.

    Wednesday 15 April 2020 (AM)

    A brilliant daily Bible resource for families with young children is being supported by Archbishop Cushley during the Covid19 lockdown.